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The Covid 19 Genocide Pandemic Depopulation

Adam Billiot
Adam Billiot - 342 Views
Published on 26 Sep 2021 / In News and Politics

This is what I have been saying The Virus Narrative is just a distraction from the real threat of 5G. That's why it hasn't been isolated and its why the contaminating the food,sky, and vaccines with a superconductor (graphene oxide).  It's also why I keep trying to warn people about doing a heavy metal detox for these nanoparticles and heavy metal toxins using natural cliniptololite zeolites from a reliable quality supplier. Zeolites are what they use to detox heavy metals and also RADIATION TOXICITY from nuclear radiation. Its natural negative charge and porous cage-like properties make it like a magnetic sponge to trap these toxins for removal while helping regulating the body's PH level. To order zeolites from my trusted supplier check this out  

or to leqrn more about zeolites for detoxing watch this video  

Also for Free heavy metals and nanoparticle detox guide go here -detox-guide

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