The Covid-19 Data is a ‘Travesty’ (FULL VIDEO) - How the UK and US Covid Death Data is Inflated
The Covid-19 Data is a ‘Travesty’ (FULL VIDEO) - How the UK and US Covid Death Data is Inflated...
Although people have tragically died from Covid-19, the way the Covid-19 death data is recorded in many countries around the world has produced, and continues to produce, an inflated death toll. This inflated death toll has then been, and continues to be, used by fascist-style bureaucracies, in conjunction with scientific priesthoods, to terrify the general public into obedience.
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Nathan Green (6 Jan. 2012) Correlation is not causation, The Guardian
James Fletcher (25 May, 2014) Spurious correlations: Margarine linked to divorce? BBC News
Tyler Vigen Spurious Correlations
Rachel Schraer (5 Sep. 2020) Coronavirus: Tests 'could be picking up dead virus,' BBC News
Coronavirus in the UK Deaths | Coronavirus in the UK (
Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Centres for Disease Control and Prevention Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (
Technical Notes, Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Technical Notes: Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) (
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George Orwell (2008) 1984 (London: Penguin) p.43.