The ‘Certification of Vaccination A.I.’ Bio-Tracer, Internet Kill-Switch Weapon
njthemarksman - 361 Views
Published on 05 Nov 2021 / In Health
Does this mark of the end of what the Matrix called the “100% pure, old-fashioned, home-grown human, born free right here, in the real world, genuine child of Zion”?
There’s a lot to unpack, but let’s just understand this much: 2022 isn’t going to be what we want, it’s time for the Last Days to come to pass and we all need to be ready, and for the Saints to prepare to run or die, depending on what individual destiny has in store.
Forget not: the Georgia Guidestones are the “Ten Commandments of Antichrist” (Keep humans under 500,000,000), with the first rule being Depopulation and later complimented with directed births and eugenics. It’s a worldwide scam to make everyone into a number, and to pervert nature itself.
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