The Big Bang Proven Wrong by Halton Arp on the Intrinsic Red Shift
Halton Arp's observations of local galaxy's ejections of high red shifted quasars that are being ejected from the magnetic poles of their respective galaxy. These quasars lose their red shift and gain mass and luminosity is proportional to their distance from the parent galaxy.
To sum it all up, we are watching matter being created and we live in a universe that is suspended indefinitely in an endless universe. This fact disproves the Big Bang Gravitational model and proves that the universe is eternal with creation happening as we watch.
Praise Be To Yah, hallelujah!
The heavens do declare your (YHVH/Yahovaih/Yah) handy work.
My father in heaven, YOUR NAME WILL BE GLORIFIED and all will know you, for that is your will.
Your Kingdom IS TO COME, hallelujah!
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created matter does not mean that universe is endless
relativty constant postulates shrinking universe/expanding universe/still universe according to constant value -1/+1/0

according to strings theory, big bang is microphenomenon happening when two strings collide
according to relativity theory, big bang is white hole, opposite of black hole