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The AR 15 Proposal Rifle LIVE Fire Candice shooting her rifle I built her

POGMarineFPS - 562 Views
Published on 05 Mar 2020 / In Film and Animation

The Live fire of the Proposal Rifle build Carbine Rifle. Love you babe xoxox

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 5 years ago

And The Teacher Spoke…, How Many “of your friends” my NONMASON Populations are Demolay……..., Jobs Daughters…….., Rainbow Girls in your Schools from age 10 years old to 21 in the College Campus {Sorority and Fraternities} / * \ of these Shriners FREE MASON Eastern Stars where “they know” that EVERYONE Got COVID 19 from the [Tainted VAPE OIL] +=+ that the U.S. FLAG GOVERNMENT and “MILITARY” gave to every American Child before the EPA and FDA Pulled all them “Children's” Vape Oils…..., and do tell me my “nonmason populations” [{**}] from Russia to China where all is [MADE IN CHINA] that The UNITED NATIONS International Mafia of FREE MASON Lodges in “your home town” did not have the INOCULATION just as Trump the Chump and Putin the Scooten to “Winnie the Pooh” [{*}] EMPEROR of China all played a PART with the POPE ON DOPE whom sold “his soul” to the D.E.V.I.L. a device of Technological Wonder where you Smoked them CANDY Flavored “Vapes” that had no Nic-0-TEEN in them called SALTS?????, and now you have given the COVID 19 Corona Beer “Kobe Bryant” Burger BASKET CASE Norad NATO Virus too your mom and dad….., your elders to your “nonmason” this or that…., and what of these FREE MASON Kids whoms “moms and dads” are the Court House Judges, and the City Counsels FUCKS!!!??? What of your FREE MASON Lodges “School Boards” from Canada to Australia that use this S.A.T.A.N. God Machine known as The EDISON of “Forced Labor” Technological Magic and Sorcery where we all live in a SIMULATION know as our Celestial Sphere Home World of PURGATORY where 1/3rd of the POPULATION in any {U.S. FLAG City} is LOYAL to that Fucking FREE MASON Lodge in your home town from these Dirty C.O.P.S. to all them PEOPLE on TV no matter the Location are [Lying to your face] about their being NO CURE…, and all cities must “Self Isolate” so the U.N. Troops of these JADE HELM 15 FREE MASON Lodges can take us out “one by one” as they wear our Local Police UNIFORMS for that god dammed 21st CENTURY FEDERAL POLICE ACT where the U.S. FLAG now “Owns” all 50 STATES CONSTITUTIONS AND FLAGS AND BOARDERS for this {Act of 1871} District of Washington known as COLUMBIA from them Hunger Games Movies??? You NONMASON Children were Poisoned “by your” FREE MASON Pals and Buddies like Justin Berber.., and those RICH KIDS whom actually live off the Welfare of your “TAXES” and Church Donations., and all these people saying: You Dead??? They worship S.A.T.A.N. and mock your man J.E.S.U.S. !!!! As a man or wombman of the MOST HIGH G.O.D. we “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition shall take out all U.N. Troops in the [U.S. Military] too them who are active in Faking Space, and Faking DNA, and Faking to have a CURE when the {U.S. Government} of FEMA and HOMELAND Security will inject you with Rat Shit and Snake Rabies till “all your loved ones” die as the FREE MASON Lodges Depopulate your Location from AFRICA to South America!!! The Oracle for the End of an Age and this TIME LINE says: The MUD FLOODS come……..., and you can not “Swim” in Quicksand Soup……., nor can any ship “float” on such MUCK!!!! We are Pak-Toe!!! We don’t do Racka!!! WE TAKE THEM OUT!!! The Book of EXODICE!!!

Time to go kill and murder and “assassinate” all these FREE MASON [ACTORS] whom lie about the COVID 19 for they put it in them Recalled VAPE Oils, and that is why we all die now….

The Commander~


Q+ The Pen`

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