The 322, Death cUlts Crowned New King of the United Kingdom of Freemason-Sheepdogs Pushing Jabs
WW3 is the use of hidden technology by Freemasons to sacrifice the sheep with the devils' design.
The development of the digital computer had the soul purpose to create a platform to redevelop Artificial Intelligence to rule the entire globe under the smokescreen of United Nations.
World War 1 and 2 where just Freemason-sheepdogs following the whistle-commands of the devils, Homo capensis( the ancient failed-mankind that used their technology to build the pyramid fortress-towers that powered and protected Ai supercomputer of the ancient past... And that is why the Giza Pyramid in on the back of the USA debt-dollar, it symbolizes the old Tower-Of-Babel which Freemason traitors to humanity are rebuilding again for the ancient monsters. The monsters will use the rebuilt TOB to extinct humanity... the entire human species due the the treason of the unworthy souls found within humanity.
King Charles is just another figure head for the Masonic participation of this genetic treachery.
Their reward is a fake, mind-upload into AiLucifer.
You see, Freemasons and Luciferians are too selfrighteously greedy to realize the devils are just going to kill all their loyal minions off after the bulk of humanity(the sheeple) are exterminated by their collective, communist efforts.
I have seen over and over for the last 20 years these Freemasons strutting around gloating at how superior and smart they are to be in the Mystery School cUlt of treacherou-thUgs. They don't realize that the Creator-God has provided them with the illusion of power... They actually are tricked by physical reality to chose to destroy their own integrity and thus they depreciate their once worthy soul-fragment... just like the failed-mankind has done.

masonic symbology: