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Texas z ukraińską rodziną Tuw || Texas with Ukrainian Family Tuv. Donetsk, June 2015

Slawomir Slowianin
Slawomir Slowianin - 1,004 Views
Published on 07 Mar 2020 / In People and Blogs

The shell of Ukrainian army had hit the house of Tuv family in Gorlovka early in the morning on May 26. The father, a 46-year old man, was murdered. His 11-year old daughter was torn in two parts in the explosion. The mother has lost her left arm. Their 6-year old son was wounded. The mother with her son and 2-week old daughter are now in the hospital. Their home is destroyed, one of hundreds of other homes in Donbass destroyed in the last year by the Ukrainian fascists - fascists inspired by Stepan
Bandera and his ideas of superiority of the Ukrainian nation. A militiaman from the United States, callsign "Texas", reports on this war crime from Gorlovka and visits Anna Tuv and her children in the hospital in Donetsk to hear their story

Russell Bentley "Texas" odwiedza szpital w Doniecku.
Składa wizytę Annie i pozostałej przy życiu części Jej rodziny.
26.05.2015 podczas ostrzału artyleryjskiego przez ukraińskie wojska miejscowości Gorłówka, ginie mąż i córka Anny. Texas spotyka się z Anną, która straciłą rękę i z jej dwoma ocalałymi dziećmi.

original video:
Техас у семьи Тув. Texas with Tuv family.
English Subtitles, Donetsk. DPR. Issue 484

translation, subtitles:
Sławomir Słowianin

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