Texas To Arrest Illegal Aliens, Jim Jordan Speaker? Toxic Foods/Vaccines, China Bitcoin Mine In WY, NYPD Commissioner In Qatar
Texas Senate passes bill SB11, creating a new state crime for entering Texas improperly from a foreign nation. The bill now goes to the Texas house for consideration. First time offenders would face a one year jail term. Steve Scalise drops out of speakers race. Republicans in secret vote, vote for Jim Jordan for speaker, why aren't they doing a public floor vote? A floor vote is scheduled for late Monday. U.S. and Qatar agree to stop Iran from accessing the 6 billion dollars freed up by Joe Biden. Marjorie Taylor Green calls for open floor debate for speaker. Toxic ingredients found in HPV vaccines. Israel refuses to restore power to Gaza unless all hostages are released. Inside the "Gaza Metro" tunnel systems running under Gaza City. Chinese bitcoin mine in Wyoming raises fears over its close proximity to nuclear missile base. Cheyenne Wyoming Chinese bitcoin mine raises fears and questions, why is China bitcoin mining in the United States? House GOP moves to expel George Santos from congress. NYPD commissioner Edward Caban quietly flies to Qatar as his department braced for possible unrest. Why is the NYPD commissioner flying to Qatar and why is he involved in the Masonic secret society? New security fence goes up around Congress. Where are all the Army's weapons? Even they don't know. New Zealand election results, bloodbath for Jacinda Ardern's labor party as they are voted out as ex Air New Zealand CEO becomes next Prime Minister. "Doxxing Truck" at Harvard names students who blamed Israel for Hamas attack. NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban is quietly in Qatar as his department braces for "possible unrest". Why is a NY police chief in a foreign country? Security fence goes up around Congress although there is no known threat. Army does not seem to know where all their weapons are. 17 Broward deputies charged in massive pandemic loan scandal. New York City sees record number of illegal aliens flood the city almost doubling the 2000 total of weeks past. 4000 illegal aliens in one week arrived in New York City. Top Biden aide with close ties to Hunter was first White House staffer to handle classified docs, did she have a classified documents clearance? FDNY expected to issue "vacate orders" at more than half a dozen illegal alien centers set up by the city and Mayor Adams. NYC at odds with FDNY over issuance of vacate orders at multiple city shelters some using dilapidated and condemned buildings to house illegal aliens. California Skittles ban prompts calls for more chemicals to be banned that are banned in other countries but not in the United States. Why does the U.S. use chemicals in our foods that are banned in Europe? Texas starts work on another wall, between them and New Mexico, where many illegal aliens are pouring in through after they come over the U.S. border into New Mexico. They then are going into west Texas. 27 Americans have been killed by Hamas in Israel and the number is rising. U.S. Government says it will provide free charter flights to American citizens who wish to leave Israel. In past some were alleging they were asked to sign "promissory notes" in order to leave Israel. IDF elite military unit retakes military post overrun by Hamas. U.N. plan to send security force to Haiti hits roadblocks. Trump suggests Biden is given cocaine to "liven him up". Israel defense chief admits failure to protect citizens. Why did it take so long for any rapid response force to reach the rave area being attacked by Hamas near the Gaza border? Democratic Senator Bob Menendez charged with "conspiracy to act as a foreign agent" along with his girlfriend and Egyptian American businessman Wael Hana. White House knew Biden had his own document problem before siccing FBI on Trump. Hunter Biden investigations lead to ethical concerns for Joe Biden. Ten thousand people ordered to evacuate the town of MIddleton Idaho after gas line explosion. Army getting best new lasers. Are these weapons offshoots of Nikola Tesla's invention called the Teleforce? Why didn't the United States or England use Tesla's Teleforce weapon to stop the Nazis? Why did they turn it down? Kirby bluntly says Ukraine aid "near the end of the rope and not indefinite". Anthony Blinken meets with Palestinian Authority president and King of Jordan. New York Times can't decide whether to call Hamas "terrorists" or "gunmen". Students rush to hide and disavow statements about Hamas to protect their careers. ICE admits 5.7 million illegal aliens currently in the United States. 14 Syrians and 2 Lebanese apprehended crossing the United States border after `151 people on the FBI's terror watchlist entered the U.S. illegally in 2023 alone. Syria says Israeli missiles have struck its two major airports a day before the Iranian minister was due to fly in. Biden trips again on steps in Philadelphia, how many times will Biden trip before he has a bad fall? SPLC silent as leftists celebrate Hamas terror against Israel. New York Post reporter blasts White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre saying she should be ashamed after not calling on him in months. Why is the White House only calling on certain mainstream reporters and not letting any others have questions? Why hasn't Biden done any long press conferences or interviews? Armed to the teeth, Israeli woman seen going to shops with M-16 rifle over her shoulder. Two star General fired accused of rape and drinking before flying. California Mayor slams Gavin Newsom for allowing open prostitution to occur with "nearly naked" women walking the stroll in public. Tik Tok influencer Bella Poarch 26 recalls being raped while serving in the Navy at the age of 18. New York cracking down on rogue Brooklyn Bridge market. Talks collapse between Hollywood studios and writers. Animal contraceptives and antibiotics detected in top ten fast food restaurants. Is Powerball rigged? How did four of the top prizes of all time all get won by players in the state of California? What's the odds of that? Bronx little league baseball field surrounded by illegal aliens in people living in RV's. Probe of Burisma was active when Joe Biden forced Ukrainian prosecutor's firing. Why did NASA fire three rockets at the "ring of fire" solar eclipse that took place yesterday, Saturday, October 14th, 2023? More news.

FDA allows over 1500 ingredients in our food that Europe has outlawed.
The "shellack" you mention is bugs.
The beavers butt gland is "natural flavor".
Water follows sugar - why you'll lose the puffiness when you quit drinking or get off sugar.
Salt is good for you - a natural preservative - as long as you drink enough water. It helps with the electrolytes needed to keep the charge in your heart & prevent muscle cramps - the pink salt has minerals. plain cheap salt has iodine - nutrient we need.
This is disappointing af, the best fries in the world: tinyurl.com/mpzk2ape

Steve Scalise is fighting cancer, they're afraid he won't be strong enough to do that AND fight the Dems - besides - his donors include Bill Gates, Google and Facebook. So. NO.
And The new war?
Get a grip.
It was a massive Satanic sacrifice & New money laundering scheme due to all of us being DONE with Ukraine.
They are determined to have WW3, & Russia & US citizens aren't going for it.
And it WAS REHEARSED. Joint ops between US & Israel - called Juniper Oak drill last January.
Like all the others - Vegas had one, Parkland, Fla had one, Sandy Hook had one. Have a drill then go live.
Everyone online is saying "this doesn't pass the smell test"...
Stop believing all the MSM bullsht.
Nentanyahu was losing his grip on the country; FORCED over 95% of the population to take the death shot - higher death rate than any other country from the cv shots. I learned today that an 8 yr old Israeli boy that was featured in their cv vx campaigns just died of a heart attack. - lifesitenews.com- + Nentanyahu was trying to alter their constitution. They HATE him, & hundreds of thousands were going to protest in the streets THE NEXT DAY, the largest demonstration Telaviv had ever seen. DISTRACTIONS.
Do not side with anyone - turns out LOTS of Jewish Pedophiles fled to Israel too - Years ago report from CBS.
A major event is what was needed to put the government's cabinet into a State of Emergency.
Remember 911 happened the day after Rumsfeld announced $21 trillion missing from the pentagon's budget.
I saw 2 videos & 1 tweet from IDF ppl asking How could this happen? That "not even a grain of rice" could get in, so it HAD to have been orchestrated.
Even Charlie Kirk asked how it could happen, & I saw him kick a guy out of a talk for MENTIONING the USS Liberty event.
Hardcore Jew.
& Since Fake Biden got in, (Obama, actually) he's given $730 million to Islamic side of it (Iran, Palestine). & how much did Obama & the U.S. give them over the years?
Egypt warned Israel it was coming. Warnings were ignored (because Nentanyahu was in on it, like USS Liberty, 1967).
Internet sleuths have been digging. & sht is coming to light. Remain neutral. Both sides are cult- like murderers.
Oct 10 - Israeli propaganda networks are caught spreading multiple fake stories abt it.
Oct 10 - Congress introduces a bill to give another $2 BILLION to Israel, (means over $260 BILLION since WW2, including abt 3.3 billion a year now) .
You said pictures & videos... not before Israel started annihilating them.
& many are fake. there are programs to feed those images into. FotoForensics.com
& the Burnt baby? Go see AiOrNot.com. Fake.
But it has Ben Shapiro screaming hysterically.
Baby beheadings? ONLY 1 CNN reported said it.
Sara Sidner (I saw her) said SHE SAW beheaded babies "with her own eyes".
Next report, she said the Israeli soldiers told her (no sht - how would she get access into those homes?).
Then? She said the PM's office said IT had confirmed it was true, & she just reported it (LIVE, on air).
Last? Story is debunked, admits Israel cannot confirm the report, & she apologizes for her "mistake".
Part of her tweet: "I need to be more careful with my words & I am sorry."
THEY ARE BOTH EVIL. Islam is full of ppl that believe their doctrine is above OUR laws, have said they will outbreed & out vote us by 2050. Once they are at 6.5% of the population, there is no winning.
& they are barbaric. Israel is sneaky & evil - THEY flooded all the white countries on Earth of low IQ 3rd world countries, mostly fighting age men... to subjugate white ppl. THEY SAY IT. Zionists.
See the 1928 Kalergi Plan.
There's so much more.....
I listen to you faithfully.
You are one of the few that knows most of what I know.
This is Biblical prophecy & all done by design, to emotionally suck us into supporting giving away more of our money & OUR American lives in someone else's war.
Those fuckers have been fighting for DECADES & DECADES.
If they're too stupid & stubborn to figure it out? Then let them kill each other.
We need to work on helping our own & fixing it HERE.