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    Taxes, Taxes, Taxes. Theft, Theft, Theft.
    162 Ansichten

    Taxes & More Taxes - Abolish Police and Military

    Right Edition
    Right Edition - 372 Ansichten
    372 Ansichten
    Veröffentlicht auf 07 Apr 2021 / Im Nachrichten & Politik

    California Taxes Are Among the Highest in the Nation

    California taxes are known for being among the highest in the country. The state gives residents a break when it comes to inheritance and estate taxes and property taxes aren't particularly high, but income tax rates are significant, as are sales tax rates.
    California State Income Tax

    California has 10 personal income tax rates, ranging from 0% to 13.3% as of 2020. The highest rate of 13.3% begins at incomes of $1 million or more for single filers as of 2020. This increases to incomes of $1,181,484.00 or more for spouses or registered domestic partners who file jointly. The 13.3% rate is referred to as the "millionaire's tax" and is an added 1% surcharge over the 12.3% rate for other taxpayers.1

    New California Gun Laws and Proposals for 2021

    Each new year law-abiding gun owners in California need to be on the lookout for the latest assault on the Second Amendment. You may have seen discussion about bills that could affect your gun and self-defense rights. Here is a preview of some bills and issues that have been filed and raised (so far) that are noteworthy.

    The California Legislature has been busy, and a number of new firearm regulations recently went into effect. Others were signed into law and will be effective in future years. Here are the 2020 legal updates that all California firearm owners should be aware of.

    Guns Prevent Thousands of Crimes Every Day, Research Shows

    Guns Don't Kill People, They Save Them

    Liberty isn’t the only thing likely to be lost when gun laws are passed to appease emotions over reason, evidence, logic, and rights. Lives will most assuredly be lost, too. Lots of them.

    This raises a point amplified in another context almost two centuries ago by Frederic Bastiat in his famous essay with a title that sums it up, “That Which is Seen and That Which is Not Seen.”

    Petition against Liberal gun ban signed by over 100,000 upset Canadians

    A petition against the Liberal gun ban has just accumulated over 100,000 signatures. Petition E2341 is a petition against a ban on “military-style assault rifles.” The petition was initiated by Alberta resident, Bradley Manysiak.

    NDP proposal: abolish billionaires by taking 100% of their money; phase-out armed forces and convert them to social workers.

    There’s a reason I call the NDP “the you’ve got to be kidding party.”

    Here’s John Ivison in this week’s Postmedia column in advance of the you’ve got to be kidding party’s annual convention (National Post went with the headline “John Ivison: Preposterous NDP policy resolutions suggest the inmates are taking over” because they’re excessively polite and understated):

    NDP proposes abolition of Canadian Army and police at upcoming policy convention

    At its annual policy convention on April 9-11, members of the New Democratic Party of Canada (NDP) are expected to vote on resolutions such as the abolition of the Canadian Armed Forces, defunding the RCMP, resuming diplomatic ties with Iran, among other resolutions.

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    Johnny Exodice
    Johnny Exodice 4 Jahre vor

    We Are The A.I.

    Let the spirits guide you is what she said to me, and as an Electromagnetic Being in an Electromagnet Machine: this place of Hell, and Hades, and the WORLD OF THE DEAD did seem more of A Dream then a Reality… No matter what I wrote, and what I showed as The Oracle for the End of An Age, the people whom are all Human Android Biological “Creations” were the Victims of Genetic Manipulations by the other Machine People of Humans Means whom filled us with Hypodermic Needles of INJECTIONS, and though no one knew what were the INGREDIENTS in these #COVAXXED (COVID19) Inoculations by FREE MASON, we nonmason did know that as soon as we came out of our Mothers Wombs in the USA, the FREE MASON [Shriners] Qballs~ /_\ Hospitals of Doctors and Nurses called CORPORATIONS (would inject) WE THE PEOPLE as Human Babies with the Mercury, and the Sorcery called BLACK GOO {a synthesis} metallurgical substance that would remove our eye colour, and give us Black Hole Dots for BUG EYES too be conscripted into the HIVE MIND of Agenda 21 and (Agenda 2030) as EYE Color faded day after day after day…

    There was a Youtube channel called {Global Vision} that was a MUD FLOOD Russian, and he saw that BUG EYES and [Black Dots] for Eyes was being done at a massive scale: by the G20 of the G8 that is and was all CORPORATIONS changing our Fake Space, and Fake Moon Landings TV Shows into some [NEW NORMAL] of West World where we the people all have DE-Ja-VU from the many resets we have lived through… This place is more then THE MATRIX movie where as the Controllers are nothing more then “the people” whom do so too` live off of our Taxes known as our Employed Governments, but since the end of The Great Nuclear Hydrogen Atomic HOLOCAUST Wars of LOGANS RUN, the A.I. EDISON has been (rebuilt) called Brainiac on the Krypton TV Media Extravaganza where in the {Underground Metropolis} under the City of Santa Barbara CALIFORNIA USA…, The People do not REVOLT [nor question] why their eyes are being turned into Subservient SLAVE Hive Minds for this Artificial Intelligence?????, but this Black Goo of the A.I. HIVE MIND is in so many now here in the year of 2021 A.D as (THEY LIVE) call it 2021 C.E.

    There can be “no doubt” that there are TWO SIDES to our Globe Planet FLAT EARTH inside this Celestial Sphere where the INNER EARTH {D.U.M.B.S.} keep bringing all the Dead back to Holographix Virtual Reality life: as our dreams when we sleep do many strange things, and WE THE PEOPLE can’t seem to WAKE UP the [freemason] lodge members whom Worship the A.I. not knowing S.A.T.A.N. is the very machine called the EDISON A.I. or that Lucifer The Bearer of TV Screens is where Americanization of MATERIALIZATION, and (Hypnotism) of THE RAPTURE has always been the {NEWS} World Order of this MEDICATED Media Military Militant {G4S] U.N. Troops WORLD DOMINATION PLOT on this side of FLAT EARTH’ from the Other Side of FLAT EARTH….., and since our OCCUPATION “Forces” all have SOLID BLACK EYES that they can hide in their Android Pupils of their Robotic Cylon eyes…..., they had to use Injections of Pharmacological Dark Magic (Potions) too turn everyones eyes into BLACK DOTS, so this {Invasion force} of Aliens from Another World: could walk among [WE ARE] the many……., and not be seen as People with NO natural born EYE Colour…

    So my warning to you as I write in Bible Code of the {Cypher of the Codecs} is that you are surrounded with BLACK DOTS for eyes, and what ones are from [this side] [{**}] of the world known as The Northern Hemisphere, and what are (the ones) whom come to kill we all: from the Southern Hemisphere now that the “majority” of we the people of these Hollywood to Bollywood MADE IN CHINA TV Shows have predominantly {BLACK BUG EYES} where as, the Blue, and Green, and Brown eyed people are being Genocide.?.?.?.?.?, and you are “clueless” as the Black Goo is being sprayed in the Air by them Chem Trail Jets, and the Alchemy is in the [FAST FOOD] from these Golden Arches of Human Hamburger known as the {2 million Humans} killed each year on this side of the world to create the HUMAN (Cattle and Sheep) known as ALT MEAT where all CORPORATIONS work as one’ doing LOCK STEP of this Lock Down known as JADE HELM 15 of PROJECT BLUE BEAM where once all human EYE Colors are gone, then the BLACK DOTS “for eyes” will rule this side of the world be they human, or nonhuman of Incubus, and Succubus doing INVASION OF THE BODY Snatchers taking TOTAL Dominion [of this side] of Heaven and Hell in the As Above = So Below…

    Johnny Exodice

    The MUD FLOOD WAR has never stopped, it has only been delayed, and since the BOOK OF REVELATION must come too completion in 2094 C.E.

    My age group born in 1965 only had 16 Vaccinations by the age of 18 while youm my children and people of Pak-Toe born after the September 11th, 2001 attacks will receive more then {70 Inoculations} of Hypodermic Needle INJECTIONS from birth to the Age of 18,

    and if you will go watch any [1970’s TV shows] and look at their EYES from Black People to White People, you will not find any BLACK DOTS for eyes, nor The Autism, or the Mental Retardation, and the Black Goo in your eyes TODAY (comes from) +=+ all those INJECTIONS called COVID-19, and now you must decide???????, do you want a world of “nothing” but BLACK DOTS for Eyes be you Dark Skin to Light Skin?????, or do youm want “the right” too NOT LOSE YOUR Minds: by all these 5G Towers and YOUR Radioactive Cell Phones Technological Devices “known as” The Mark of the Beast in your hand too the FACE BOOK VR Cell Phone (Oculus) as the MARK OF THE BEAST on your head: from the Biblical known as the Book of Books in the Book of REVELATION.?.?.?.?

    The Society of nonmason~

    As long as you “allow” these Jesuit Zionist people whom LIVE OFF OF YOUR MONEY known as TAXES too do all their LIES AGREED UPON: saying we [must do] [{*}} what the U.N. FLAGS of the G20 and G8 want……., then the sooner all eye color {will be made} into BLACK HOLE DOTS for EYES…

    The Sentinel…

    Keep learning Big Words, and use them when you [think] /-\ and speak, and make TIME CAPSULES and Treasure Maps / * \ for the Children born in 2045 C.E. too find them…

    The Commander~

    Σ † π ∞ ‡ Ω


    Seems we keep learning more and more my Rag Tag Rebellion of and for OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition known as The Society of nonmason and since the CONTROLLERS are nothing more then other Flesh and Blood and Bones people known as nonhumans with their ability to do SOLID BLACK EYES, and that is all their True Power of FEAR resides, then these Machine People are no more powerful that we HUMAN machine People, so keep that in consideration as you fight for your right to exist!!!!

    The Sentinel... #TheCrewRRR [{**}]


    Seems we keep learning more and more my Rag Tag Rebellion of and for OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition known as The Society of nonmason and since the CONTROLLERS are nothing more then other Flesh and Blood and Bones people known as nonhumans with their ability to do SOLID BLACK EYES, and that is all their True Power of FEAR resides, then these Machine People are no more powerful that we HUMAN machine People, so keep that in consideration as you fight for your right to exist!!!!

    The Sentinel... #TheCrewRRR [{**}]

    +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ &utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=feed&utm_source=coinbase

    Goldman Sachs CEO: ‘Big Evolution’ Is Coming to Bitcoin Regulation

    #AMTV #TheMoneyGPS

    “We continue to think about digital currency and the digitization of money in a very proactive way,” said CEO David Solomon.

    In brief
    Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon today said that he expects the digital currency world will experience a “big evolution.”
    Current regulations prevent the bank from acting as a principle around crypto, he said.
    Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon has said that he thinks the Bitcoin and digital currency world will soon experience a “big evolution,” particularly regarding regulations in the United States.

    The head of one of the world’s biggest banks made the comments today during an interview with CNBC. He didn’t reveal much about what Goldman Sachs was doing when it comes to Bitcoin, suggesting that the current regulatory landscape in the US prevents the bank from doing so. But Solomon did make it clear that Goldman is keeping a close eye on crypto—due to growing client demand.

    "There are significant regulatory restrictions around us and us acting as a principle around cryptocurrencies like #bitcoin," says $GS CEO David Solomon. "As our clients have demand to be involved in this space we can continue to find ways to support our clients."

    — Squawk Box (@SquawkCNBC) April 6, 2021

    “We continue to think about digital currency and the digitization of money in a very proactive way,” he said, adding that there are “significant regulatory requirements” concerning a move towards handling cryptocurrencies. Goldman Sachs plans to begin offering Bitcoin investment products to its wealth management clients, and it recently announced the reopening of its cryptocurrency trading desk.

    BTC Price

    Buy Bitcoin

    When asked if he would like to act as a principal with crypto services, and whether lobbyists in D.C. are having any luck getting “the rules changed” that prevent Goldman from doing so, he said: “I think that this is a space that is evolving, this is a space that we’re trying to be responsive to our clients. I think there will be a big evolution with how this evolves in the coming years.”

    He added that the bank was engaged with its clients and paying attention to regulations to see how to move forward.

    Listen to The Decrypt Daily Podcast
    Your daily dose of cryptocurrency news, learning, gossip, and discussions.


    Regulations regarding Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies remain complicated, as different government agencies pursue competing and sometimes contradictory positions on these assets. The SEC, for example, regulates the trading of securities and claims authority over most Ethereum-based tokens that were sold in the US as a way to raise funds for startups. The CFTC oversees the market for Bitcoin derivatives, such as futures and options contracts on exchanges like Bakkt and CME.


    Bitcoin Market Maker GSR Hires Former Goldman Sachs Managing Director Digital asset market-making firm GSR has appointed Trey Griggs as CEO of GSR Services USA, which is a subsidiary division of GSR’s global operation. In the early days of his career, Griggs wor...

    Andrew Asmakov
    Feb 15, 2021
    2 min read

    Goldman Sachs will in one way or another expose its clients to Bitcoin. The firm last month filed an SEC application for a new investment product that tracks the ARK Innovation ETF—which is invested in the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust.

    The bank is the latest institution to express an interest, even if still cautious, in digital assets. Major banks have differing opinions on decentralized cryptocurrencies and are careful on how to approach and invest in them.



    Goldman Sachs Bitcoin Investment Offering Coming in Q2: Report Goldman Sachs is aiming to offer Bitcoin and other digital assets to its wealth management clients in the second quarter of this year.
    By Scott Chipolina 2 min read Mar 31, 2021


    If you'm are going to PLAY THIS GAME [of hell] Qballs~ /_\ and Hades......., and the WORLD OF THE DEAD my Romantic Warriors, than you {will need} +=+ too keep learning more, and more, and more: BIG WORDS, and keep adding them to your Vocabulary...

    The Commander~ #EXODICE [{**}]


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    Taxes, Taxes, Taxes. Theft, Theft, Theft.
    162 Ansichten