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Task Force Pineapple with Lt. Col Scott Mann

Sean Morgan
Sean Morgan - 326 Views
Published on 21 Dec 2021 / In News and Politics

In this episode of MSOM Sean Morgan talks to Dr. Kirk Elliott about the latest in the financial world and how we can protect ourselves from inflation. In the main interview, Sean talks to Lt. Col. Scott Mann about his organization’s rescue efforts in Afghanistan.

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 3 years ago

Teacher, how do you know if some one is has Replaced the One you love with a TIME Android.?.?.?

I have not done a Teacher Writ in a very long time, so let me make it clear, we have been put into PURGATORY too know whom done what, and we know that the ENEMY is not kind or nice to WE THE PEOPLE whom are the Natural Time Line Natural Born Pineal Glands; moreover, we know the Time Traveling SPACE FORCE has taken over the World Police of Peacekeepers, and yet, why do we whom pay the TAXES for the Religions called Tithe have no say in the way WE ARE treated by THEY LIVE these Time Traveling weevils in our minds???

As The Oracle and Christ Jesus Returned, it has been my Observation that the Narcissist and Psychopaths these Time Traveling Androids in our Flesh and Blood and Bones, and for the longest I thought it was because THEY LIVE were and are made in Laboratories called INVETRO born children with no Pineal Gland Transfers…. Yet, in truth the Bible explains our TIME TRAVELING internationalist Capitalist because THEY LIVE reject everything on Day 6 that our God being their God and Your God and My God….

Look at these MUD FLOOD Buildings made only to keep Track of the SUNS Movement.?.?.? Not so much the movement of the MOON that we now know is our Dead Home World the Awful Horror and the Abomination of Desolation in the NEW Testament, and then REMEMBER when Christ Jesus 1.0 said Run to the Hills when the Days of Noah Returned??? For what reason would you the 20 Million whom will move beyond 2094 CE need the Higher Mountains when some how between NOW and 2094 in the END OF DAYS and this TIME we the Romantic Warriors will Destroy the TIME TRAVELING mechanization allowing you to go into the Future as Our God grabs all the Reprobate for Perdition and A Hell of Hades of their Own Making, and then lock them in a Nightmare of their Own Creation forever and ever.?.?.?

I will use the loss of my own Family Blood Brothers and Blood Sisters {all whom} Qballs~ /-\ are Natural Born Pineal Gland Transfers from our Mom and Dad, and how each one fell: too serve them that wish to do The Racka in MATHEW 5, where they all [left me] +=+ too die in FULTON COUNTY JAIL when I was kidnapped for a Lie Agreed Upon, and yet, here I am still alive, and even my Child Hood Friends in my worst days would not even give me ($20.00) [{**}] when they had Thousands if not Millions of Dollars to "share" with a close Child Hood Friend…

When ever I asked anyone I thought (knew) the CONCEPTION of Christ Jesus 1.0 and that we help those in need if we see, and hear that one of ours is in need, but My Child Hood friends would [only say] [{*}] as they saw me sleeping on the Streets Cold, and Hungry, and Homeless: I Can’t???? I always did what I could when I could as Christ Jesus 1.0 Spoke when I was hungry you fed me, when I was without, You gave me Shelter, and when you knew I was in "need" you came to Visit me in Prison, but those whom I thought still had their {SOULS and Spirits} have all been replaced by Time Transfers from the Future, and even people whom own Businesses like J.R. Crickets in ATL that could pay the FINE to free me from Illegal Incarceration did nothing….

The one reason Mother will turn against Child is because SHE is no longer your Mother, she has become Possessed by a Time Android, This applies to all sayings in the NEW TESTAMENT why your loved ones turn on you when youm "receive" the Holy Spirit from Our God, and even though these things Travel in their Space Force Nuclear Blast......., once inside the Mind of My Brothers and Sisters they all chose To hurt, and harm me and him over {helping me} because the TIME Androids in their minds (knew) I was the one Chosen By Our God to become Christ Jesus Returned, and The Oracle for the Day of Reckoning and Judgment where not even SCIENCE, nor Sorcery can any SINNER "escape" the Wrath of Our God!!!!

All your World Leaders have been replaced with Time Transfers known as Time Androids, and no matter how much MONEY you give or Donate to your Government or Religion, they use the money only to help themselves, and now these CORPORATIONS with their Jab for a Job aka Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030........., and look at how many have joined these Suits, and Ties, and Skirts Hollywood Fake Jew CAPITALIST from the Book of Revelation on the Wide Path of insanity of and for {WAR IS MURDER} and in their Hatred of Our Creator and Our Destroyer, these TIME Traveling Androids of Flesh, and Blood, and Bones still think THEY LIVE can murder Our God, and keep the Keys to the Kingdom when THEY LIVE are the fools, and the Faggots, and the Flakes what we Romantic Warriors call Cucks and Slags of the USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!! U.N. Troops in our Local Police Uniforms in all U.N. Flags....

You will know them by their ways, and what are "their ways" ???? WAR IS MURDER – FLAG WORSHIP – Dressing in Suits, and Ties, and Skits and doing Malfeasance on your Media Screens 24/7 no matter the U.N. FLAG of occupation........, so do not be like the ENEMY of our God, you help one another, you run RUNNER run, and you know that I Christ Jesus did return to reveal all the Mysteries of {Whom Done What} as The Wheat and The Tares inside this Purgatorium till the END OF TIME in 2094 CE

REMEMBER their saying: Decent is allowed, Betrayal is Death!!!! THEY LIVE can never tell you they travel through TIME and that is what destroyed our Real Home World as Time Androids here in the Purgatorium do so PROVE in these Days of Noah one last time....

The Book of EXODICE: Buddah~

P.S. You can never “reason” with one whom has been (replaced) by a TIME Android…., and that means the one You Once knew has now become what we call THE OTHER….

Also, They will deny to their dying breath that WE ARE and THEY LIVE [is and are] ain't in Purgatory to be (judged) when we die to this place of "Capitalist" and their Capitalism as Time Travelling Androids the AI weevils "SHADE" in your eyes and minds because These {TIME Androids} know you can not Kill, nor Murder the Source of All Creation and The Source of all Destruction….

Francisco 7 ?

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