TASA - Aug 23, 2021 - 1) Teri Intro - Your Assembly Looking Forward for You to Step Up - Justice Anna Webinar
Published on 30 Aug 2021 / In Non-profits and Activism
To join the effort of building the 4 pillars of each stat's assembly, 1) General, 2) Business, 3) Peace, and 4) Jural Assemblies. In addition to 4 pillars, we are building Militia Assemblies in each State to help communities such emergencies situations. Besides building the assemblies, we are in the process of reconstructing the missing pieces of our UN-incorporated government such as the confederation and the Federal Republic. We the living People only can do the reconstructing since we have the proper status and standing to do it. For more https://theamericanstatesassembly.net/
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