sweet dreams tonight
i've always loved this song. it may not seem like it. it's kind of like in Good Morning Vietnam when they play Louie Armstrong's Wonderful World & show all the horror of the Vietnam War in the film footage. the good news is God is still in control with what will happen to us, even if we die. there's a better world.
but a side note that might not interest you at all. you were warned. when my only girl, i had 4 boys, was 3 & we were in hiroshima as missionaries, 87/88, she loved to listen to that sweet dreams tape & would play the cassette over & over as we all, the 7 of us, went to sleep in that one bedroom where we pulled out our mats on the tatami mats. good memories. she had a great voice too. she's in denver now & hasn't written back for years. oh well. it will all turn out okay in Heaven.