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KeepItMovin - 146 Views
Published on 21 Aug 2024 / In News and Politics

Back with another dose of economic reality: Today we look at a warning from Subway, consumers are struggling and pulling back on spending, CPI data, housing bubble, banks lending, and lots more.

Thank you for being a part of my channel. I am an investor that also works in the finance industry. I also am a news-hound and love keeping updated on the latest economic, financial, and business news. Economic 'boom and bust' cycles are very fascinating to me so and I have had some very good luck in the stock market, precious metals and investing in real estate, therefore, I have decided to share my research, knowledge, news digging, and analysis with the world via this channel.

This channel contains news and analysis that often includes 'one mans opinion'. The information conveyed should never be taken as investment advice. Everyone should do their own due diligence and research before making investment and money decisions.

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David Simmons
David Simmons 1 month ago

I am 71 years old, now, and I had a stay at home mom to whom I had to answer everyday, When I came through the door Mom wanted to know where I had been and what I was doing. To this day I love my Mom and Dad. Bless her heart she always had some food ready for me. God Bess Our America. These bastard mob rule democrats have crushed the American Dream in my lifetime. I was born in 1954. Screw youtube and google, commie bastards. You know they got kicked out of China?

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David Simmons
David Simmons 1 month ago

I am 71 years old and I had a stay at home mom to whom I had to answer everyday, When I came through the door Mom wanted to know where I had been and what I was doing. To this day I love my Mom and Dad. Bless her heart she always had some food ready for me. God Bess Our America. These bastard mob rule democrats have crushed the American Dream in my lifetime. I was born in 1954.

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