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Streets of Philadelphia, Kensington Avenue, What’s going on?

Gee Gee Tee
Gee Gee Tee - 627 Views
Published on 10 Jan 2023 / In News and Politics

Most dangerous street in Philadelphia

Kensington Philadelphia Drug & Crime Problems

Violent crime and drug abuse in Philadelphia as a whole is a major problem. The city’s violent crime rate is higher than the national average and other similarly sized metropolitan areas.1 Also alarming is Philadelphia’s drug overdose rate. The number of drug overdose deaths in the city increased by 50% from 2013 to 2015, with more than twice as many deaths from drug overdoses as deaths from homicides in 2015.2 A big part of Philadelphia’s problems stem from the crime rate and drug abuse in Kensington.

Because of the high number of drugs in Kensington, the neighborhood has a drug crime rate of 3.57, the third-highest rate by neighborhood in Philadelphia.3 Like a lot of the country, a big part of this issue is a result of the opioid epidemic. Opioid abuse has skyrocketed over the last two decades in the United States and Philadelphia is no exception. Along with having a high rate of drug overdose deaths, 80% percent of Philadelphia’s overdose deaths involved opioids2 and Kensington is a big contributor to this number. This Philly neighborhood is purportedly the largest open-air narcotics market for heroin on the East Coast with many neighboring residents flocking to the area for heroin and other opioids.4 With such a high number of drugs in Kensington, many state and local officials have zoned in on this area to try and tackle Philadelphia’s problem.

Original video:

Streets of Philadelphia, Kensington Avenue, What’s going on Monday, July 26 2021.

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2 Comments sort Sort by

Ugetu2024 2 years ago

Democratic run country. Same as Obama, Carter..etc. Socialism. Death of a nation. A real person with legitimate issues doesn't stand a chance. Sick country about to die.

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TwoFeather 2 years ago

fentanyl avenue, the drug joe biden is allowing to flow across the southern border
and joe went down there to have dinner with the cartel to bring more in
one guy on youtube films that city every day and shows those people shooting drugs into them with police standing around them doing nothing. littering, loitering and injecting drugs isn't a crime in that city

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