Stewart Rhodes - Biden’s DOJ Has Pushed Jan 6th Protesters To Suicide
Stewart Rhodes - Biden’s DOJ Has Pushed Jan 6th Protesters To Suicide

This is dumb... Protests don't make sense when Luciferians remain in the positions of authority.
If the sheep think they are a democracy, then smarten up and act like one.
Protesting in the streets and clashing with police is childish.
Organize a march-of-discontent-day to replace the mayor for that community in order to remove the Luciferian. Count that crowd. Did it make the 50% pop of the community. Yes it did!!
Now a vote is made for a new mayor who represents the people's desires
Protests like this is for dumb sheep.
Use the powers of democracy before the Luciferians wipe out the sheep. baaaa
And realize that the Luciferians have already rebuilt the Tower-of-Babel and are using it right now.

When will we acknowledge that isn't Joe Biden? That's where my conversation about this ends. First, finally and most importantly, that's not Joe Biden. Period.