sterile masks being made, go ahead, put one one on
No audio available. Video makes a point. Even if you believe that a deadly virus (which covid is actually not despite fake news making you think so) can be stopped by a simple surgical mask (doctors don't use them to stop viruses, by the way), would you want to wear one produced under such conditions?
Found this on Gab:

I am sorry, I know they are trying, but that is just nasty. However, go watch some videos of how they cook their street will turn your stomach. They do everything on the floors, and they have all kinds of bugs and flies, walking all over the food. It is just gross. So feet on their masks probably wouldn't make a difference, over there.

... Never fear. Each and every mask was given a Test Sneeze.

Fauci, Birx, CDC officials, etc., own stock in the mask companies?