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Starlink Is the Wireless Prison-Grid's Completion (Bluetooth Low Energy(Inductive) Brainchip Threat)

JamesRoss - 220 Views
Published on 06 May 2024 / In Technology

Braxman does not realize that Skynet2.0 is part of the communication of the Masonic rebuilt Tower-Of-Babel (Or does he?) He makes allusions to the Terminator, but does he know that Avatar and Matrix required a vast broadband-network to remote control those hypothetical, spliced-genetic, bio-robots? Hollywood-Luciferians have been warning the sheeple for years.

Braxman knows something is very wrong in Western society, but he doesn't know the Luciferians' masters, Homo capensis, have built an extinction-trap for humanity. The old devils command the Freemasons and Luciferians in exchange for mind-uploads into A.i.Lucifer's fake-singularity. All Luciferians will die and meet their maker... there is no salvation(fake) with an Ai fake-god. What is happening upon Earth is the Creator-God has set-up a separation of the wicked from the worthy soul-fragments. No human consciousnesses will ever go AD ASTRA PER ASPERA within Ai. All Luciferians will die a very lonely death into the afterlife as their Remnant-Lumanian masters snicker and giggle at their gullibility to sell-out their genetics for a lie of immortality. Their God-Given soul-fragments are already eternal, but the Creator-God has no use for murderous-thUgs in the afterlife. They will have eternity to hide their shame in a spiritual-box along with their devils' failing soul-fragments. The universe is multidimensional with infinite probabilities so you have infinite probable-worlds to save your species from extinction. Never give-in to the monsters or you will be their sucker... just like those Freemasons, Jesuits and Eastern-Star traitors to humanity.

The reason why so much microwave energy is placed into your living space is not just to communicate with the NWO Tower-Of-Babel...
The microwaves power-up nano-devices through induction and do not need batteries anymore.

You see, the digital microwaves are used by the Luciferians and Freemasons NWO technology.
Braxman does not realize that NWO nano-tech is independent of the battery devices.
The brainchip-hivemind is independently powered by inductive microwaves from all the 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G sources.
As the mesh network thickens, 6G nano-devices will be able to function without any landline power supply, also. 5 and 4G is already running inductive powered nanotech like "Celdar" and implants. They all need a network address as they are exponentially added to Western Civilization's collapse. Celdar is surveillance by which the Luciferians watch everything the non-cUlt people do seemingly private... like using the toilet or making love in bed. They are watching everything now. Time to wake-up sleepy heads.

The wireless prison-grid warnings are pretty much over. You ignored the warnings of the past and now you must fight to dismantle the NWO, microwave-prison-grid. If you fight with belief and desire to succeed, then the Creator-God is on your side to succeed. If you lay down and die for the NWO Luciferian monsters, then that will be your God-Given choice.

Who are the "Remnant-Lumanians"? They are the Homo capensis, very skinny, coneheaded monsters who are genetically-altered to live for thousands of years and they rule the Mystery School or Mystery Babylon in the bible claiming to be magical devils. They are just the ancient failed-mankind that did not spiritually evolve to greater heights. They are the unworthy satan-race and Freemasons have chosen to serve their wishes.

Here is where I expose some Luciferians working in the aerospace industry:

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