St John Lateran - Lex orandi, Lex credendi, Lex aedificandi
Lex orandi–lex credendi—lex aedificandi: As we pray, so we believe, so we build...and so should we live our lives. We build our churches in such a way as to put on display what we believe. Traditionally, every aspect of our churches represented some truth of our faith... and our living of that faith. Thus, the churches were built in a shape of the cross to teach us what was going on inside (the re-presentation of Christ on Calvary), what the Church really is (i.e., the Body of Christ Crucified), and what was in store for those who stayed inside the Church (heavenly images on the ceiling). We need to be taking up our Cross and doing penance! penance! penance! to stay in the Body at this smoke filled time in the Church. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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