SPECIAL EDITION: The DEFINITIVE Debunking of the Left’s Gun Myths | Ep 511
In this special edition of Stu Does America, @BlazeTV's Stu Burguiere gathers all the biggest and most outlandish gun myths you’ve heard from the left and COMPLETELY debunks them. School shooting deaths are increasing? DEBUNKED. Assault weapon bans work? DEBUNKED. Australia’s gun confiscation program yielded positive results? DEBUNKED. All that and more, as Stu Does America present the DEFINITIVE debunking of the left’s gun myths.
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Also, are you sure about the point you make about the AR-15 cartridge at 38:55?

It’d be great if you did a write up on these points and placed it in the description.
Also, a time directory to each point would be excellent.
And finally, breaking each point into its own video would be helpful for sharing.