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Soviet dissident Bukovsky 's 1970 message still relevant today

Shelby 80
Shelby 80 - 484 Views
Published on 13 Jan 2021 / In News and Politics

"The essence of our struggle is against fear. The fear that has gripped the people since the time of Stalin. Thanks to which this system continues to exist. A system of dictatorship, pressure, oppression. It's into the struggle against fear, we put our greatest efforts. The personal example we give people is very important. I did what I considered right. I spoke out when I wanted to and I'm alive. I can get about and live. It shows it is possible to fight and it is necessary to fight. "
Vladimir Bukovsky 1942- 2019 was a Russian-born British human rights activist and writer. From the late 1950s to the mid-1970s, he was a prominent figure in the Soviet dissident movement, well known at home and abroad. He spent a total of twelve years in the psychiatric prison-hospitals, labor camps, and prisons of the Soviet Union.

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