Solar Eclipse: My point of view from Roaring Springs Pennsylvania
I was at my home terminal capturing all I could (pix & video).
I didn't have the glasses but I was glad there was some cloud coverage so I could view it to some degree.
At time it was getting a tiny bit dark, but all in all, that was a majestic sight to see!!
The next one is set in 2044, I'll be 59 years old and hopefully surrounded with a wife and kids!

All those Nineveh towns along old 150 year old progression lines of the 2024 eclipse is basically proof that the Freemasons are in an organized conspiracy to name towns based upon future NWO plans of chaos upon the masses. How about that!
Somewhat similar because the main pushers of flat-Earth are cUlt people... they cannot explain why eclipse-totality is not world-wide instead of just following a narrow path. What the flat-earther has trouble with is that now the dome has to have a thickness to it with the Sun on the outside and the moon on the inside of the heavenly dome... because of the Eclipse the flatearthers will need to calculate a thickness to their dome and answer why the moon is not in the same plane amoungst the Sun and the stars.