Social Engineering in TV Commercials
Social Engineering in TV Commercials

A mixing of the races has always been their agenda as it destroys generations, im not saying its bad for people to date other races, hell, I prefer Asian women above all other women. But when you first, destroy the Black community, with rap crap, drugs, gangs, hate against all other races, even their own, which they have successfully done thanks to the fagget "entertainers" and as u state, social engineering with movies, shows, commercials, music, books, cartoons, toys, LITERALLY EVERYTHING!, first, which they have successfully done. Then the same Racist, Black, Bottle fed by the system brain dead trash humans start ruining generations by mating with other races, specifically white women, you have women being turned into useless whores, having nothing but unprotected sex leading to pregnancies, leading to baby scarifies, abortions from the Mayan temple of sacrifice, Planned Parent Hood, destroying culture, families and all values worthy under Our Father In Heaven, Jesus Christ, Both God And The Son Of God, God Manifest In The Flesh, To put all things GOD hates into his son to sacrifce for our redemption, We are saved by HIS blood, We are eternal Souls freed from the bondage of sin through his Rising, HIS Blood Saved Us, His Resurrection BEAT death. HE IS the WAY the TRUTH and the LIGHT! No one enters unto the FATHER but by the SON!
Agains, this is not an attack on blacks or any other race, There are plenty of peoples of all colors and creeds who found love in the arms of ones different from them, this is not torwards you, this is torwards the ones who,
A: Are paid by the system to push and promote all these luciferian agendas to destroy humanity as we know it.
B: To the retarded brain dead zombified idiots who actually go along with that garbage, I do hope you find JESUS CHRIST before its too late, but, I will suffer you fools no longer, you have spoken and you will be judged accordingly, Eternal Torment in the Lake of Fire by the same trash crybaby bitch LuciFAG you idiots LOVE to worship, Your torment will be infinitely more sever than those who Love JESUS CHRIST but have not lived as they should have, Your weekend church goers, the ones who think they can go to church once a week and all is good, or to those who do not believe in JESUS CHRIST as GOD Manifest in the Flesh, because LuciFAG HATES the idiots that are retarded enough to follow him. His goal is NOT to grant humans power, riches, fame or a place in the HELL on Earth that is known as the NEW WORLD ORDER, no, his goal is to take as many of GODS creations and turn them against GOD in every worst way possible so that he can take your souls and get pleasure in torturing what he hates the most, HUMANITY.
I have no more tolerance for the retarded brain dead sheeple, I have no sympathy, no empathy, no nothing for you idiots anymore, not a good thing to say about some of GODS creations but you have fully submitted to LuciFAG and you Morons will surely get what you deserve.

Perfect!! LOL, you will never go wrong Listening to Paul!