Silent War Ep. 6307: States Want To Snatch & Trans Kids, Bank Runs, Huge Derailments, Pain Coming.
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In this episode of The Silent War:
States Want To Snatch & Trans Kids, Bank Runs, Huge Derailments, Pain Coming.
In this episode of The Silent War: ‘State Sanctioned Kidnapping’ — California Democrat Pushes Bill That Would Allow Therapists to Snatch Children From Parents Without Trial.
Minnesota Lawmakers Advance Transgender Rep’s Legislation That Could Strip Custody From Parents Who Don’t Support Child’s Transition.
28-Year-Old Deceased Nashville Shooter Identified- ‘Audrey Hale” an Illustrator, Identifies as Transgender – Included Manifesto.
“This Market is Going to be Different in a Couple of Weeks” – Kenyan President Ruto Urges His Constituents Who Hold US Dollars to Get Rid of Them.
US Authorities Weigh Expansion of Emergency Lending Facility Amid Banking Crisis.
Here We Go Again… Massive 70 Car Train Derails in North Dakota Spilling Hazardous Materials.
10 Cars in Ayer, Mass. Derailed.
Philadelphia Residents Rush to Buy Water After Major Chemical Spill Occurs in Delaware River.
Taliban Releases Video of Fields of US Military Vehicles, Piles of US High-End Weapons, and Room Filled with Stacks of 100 Dollar Bills Joe Biden Surrendered to Taliban.
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