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Silent War Ep. 6306: Gov: "Banking System Remains Sound." WW3 v China & Russia. Dollar Death

Dustin Nemos
Dustin Nemos - 378 Views
Published on 24 Mar 2023 / In News and Politics

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In this episode of The Silent War:
Yellen Tries To Reassure World That "The US Banking System Remains Sound."

Biden Issues First Veto to Defend ESG Rule That Authorizes Asset Managers to Prioritize Funding Political Agendas.

Ron Desantis suddenly pro Ukraine War, Then Uses John McCain Gasoline Line to Insult Russians.

JPM: "$1.1 Trillion Has Exited The Most Vulnerable Banks."

Governments and Central Banks Hoarding Gold for Collapse.

NATO member admits it has exhausted all means of arming Ukraine.

Not ESG-Friendly: Insurers Junk Entire EVs For Minor Accidents.

Oregon Teacher Caught Asking Students To Describe Their Sexual Fantasies In Short Stories.

85% Of Trump Supporters Think Protesting Against Arrest Is A Jan6-Style Trap.

Putin To Xi: "We Support Chinese Yuan Use With Asia, Africa, Latin America."

The Fed Proposes A 4th Function Of Money: Means Of Social Control.

Dr. Peter McCullough Highlights The Safety Of Natto In Potentially Counteracting Spike Protein Damage.

Trump New York Grand Jury Wednesday Session Canceled After Bombshell Report that DA Bragg Withheld Evidence from Jury.

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