Signs of the end times: strange events leading to God's upcoming wrath (4)
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Credits to pastor Craig from the Seventh Day Sabbath Remnant Church. His YouTube channels are SSR Media and SDR Media. His website is [a][/a]
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The calamities in the video point to the prophecies of Jesus Christ (Yeshua), the Son of the living God, in Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21:11, 25 and His prophets’ prophecies in Hosea 4:3 and Daniel 12:4.
The wrath and plagues of God mentioned in Revelation 16 will fall on those who will accept the mark of the Vatican beast. Those who do will burn in hellfire, turn to ash and die.
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Mark of the Vatican beast:
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SSR Music TV Seventh-Day Sabbath Remnant Church:
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