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Sick Sadistic Israeli Troops Keeps Shooting KIDS In The Head - And Its Cheerleaders Smearing Medics owenjones.mp4

AllTheWorldsAStage - 30 Views
Published on 18 Oct 2024 / In News and Politics

Sick Sadistic Israeli Troops Keeps Shooting KIDS In The Head - And Its Cheerleaders Smearing Medics owenjones
Owen Jones

Israel Keeps Shooting KIDS In The Head - And Its Cheerleaders Are Smearing Medics With The Evidence

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AK Kulis
AK Kulis 33 minutes ago

Get online, look into the history - they say they have to kill ALL of them, eradicate them like vermin, so they don't grow up to replace their parents - the ones that are able to fight back.
Poor Israel. Such victims. not. Look at Germany- they worked WITH jews to get them out before it got bad...

& no, I don't want the survivors here.
Just like ALL the Islamic countries don't want them - as they always have & WILL end up trying to change or overtake their host countries.
Just like Jews have been kicked out of every country on Earth they have gone to - 2 SIDES OF THE SAME COIN, but Zionists are sneakier about it...
Just leave them alone & allow ALL the nations on Earth to Govern THEMSELVES.

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