Shocking, Urgent News. Dr Vernon Coleman. Share Widely
Dr Vernon Coleman is an international bestselling author and a retired medical doctor. He is also an acknowledged expert on drug and vaccine adverse events.
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Shocking, Urgent News. Dr Vernon Coleman. Share Widely

"In the UK the "government", I.E. We the People themselves, is rolling out the COVID-19 jabs to children. Despite the fact that evidence suggests that the jab is more likely to do serious harm to a child, than COVID-19 itself. What evidence are you even talking about Mr Vernon Coleman!!!!???? How can evidence suggest that the jab is doing more serious harm to a child, than COVID-19 itself, while COVID-19 does not exist to begin with!! If you think to know that COVID-19 exists, then where is the evidence of that!!?? As far as I'm aware, NO disease with the name COVID-19 has ever been proven to exist! If you speak about evidence, then please start with the evidence of COVID-19 being real and existent!! So long as that proof has not been delivered, there is no COVID and every discussion about COVID is as meaningless as any discussion about little red riding hood and her grandma.