Sharing Our Second Amendment: Marcel shoots the S&W Model 66 (.357 Magnum)
Buffman RANGE - 323 Views
Published on 18 Jun 2012 / In Firearms
Have an Acquaintance from New Zealand. Over there, certain firearms require all sorts of permits to own, and are rarely issued. I offered to share our Second Amendment with Marcel, and let him shoot some of the goodies.
We shot:
.45 ACP
.357 Magnum (this video)
5.56 x45mm
I've broken the different firearms up into different videos, and will label them as such. Marcel had only shot an air rifle at this point, and after the standard safety lesson, and functionality of each firearm, he picked up quite well. Entire day went without a hitch, and everyone had fun.
I'm glad I was able to share our Second Amendment with Marcel.
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