Sept 25th Toronto Canada Cris Sky Speech Freedom Rally Protest Anti Covid-19 Vaccine Passports.mp4
Sept 25th Toronto Canada Cris Sky Speech Freedom Rally Protest Anti Covid-19 Vaccine Passports
Druthers News & Information
[LANGUAGE ALERT] Chris Sky's full speech at the massive VAXPASS PROTEST in Toronto, Canada yesterday.
The Mystery school Cult are the oppositions and they are minuscule. They only have the power that the sheeple give them...
Don't be a sheeple or they will sacrifice your ass.
Reactionary response of ... what did he say? government... ???
The Freemasons are not governement for the people... they are thUgs for the NWO for the Mystery School Cult who is rising thUgtopian from the ashes of the the non-Cult-sworn. Chris Sky is not informing you of the perpretrators. If you want to stop the thUgs, you must locate the thUgs and they are mainly the Freemason fake-brotherhood of assassins.
The More people in Canada Stand UP, Watch what comes Next, SATANIC CROWN POLICE WILL ATTACK THEM !!
Great speech.thanks for sharing.modern day Gen Patton