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Sci-Fi Military Tech Leaked, Smart Bug Spies, 1,000 Cubit Quantum Computer, Programmable Matter LEAK PROJECT

Patrick Budrionis
Patrick Budrionis - 274 Views
Published on 27 Nov 2023 / In News and Politics

Sci-Fi Military Tech Leaked, Smart Bug Spies, 1,000 Cubit Quantum Computer, Programmable Matter


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anoncoward 8 months ago

Our weapon:. God's Word.
And it NEVER returns void. Not even when liars and fakes provoke it. It will not return without having been accomplished. Anything happens to His real estate will end this entire world and anyone caught without His promise in their heart will be mixed back into the darkness eternally. This happens soon. Our shield in America is gone. It was only ever there to protect His Land. Israel. If it goes, so do we all. Yet, it will never happen that it will be gone. That little piece of land that makes YOU so angry. God Loves it. Can you see any time that Americans will humble themselves, quit their sin and pray to have this land healed? Brace yourselves.

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