Este video está siendo procesado, vuelve en unos minutosSaudi Press: U.S. Blew Up World Trade Center To Create ‘War On Terror’
Saudi Press: U.S. Blew Up World Trade Center To Create ‘War On Terror’
Written by the Saudi legal expert Katib al-Shammari and translated by MEMRI says that American threats to release documents that prove Saudi involvement in the
attacks are part of a long-standing U.S. policy that he calls "victory by means of archives"
Al-Shammari claims that the U.S. chooses to keep some cards close to its chest in order to use them at a later date. One example is choosing not to invade
Iraq in the 1990s and keeping its leader, Saddam Hussein, alive to use as “a bargaining chip” against other Gulf States.
Only once Shi’ism threatened to sweep the region did America act to get rid of Hussein “since they no longer saw him as an ace up their sleeve.”
He says that the 9/11 attacks were nothing more than another move in the grand game of chess, enabling the US to blame whoever suited its needs at a particular time
first it blamed Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, then Sadam Hussein, and now Saudi Arabia
Al-Shammari insists that the intention of the attacks was to create and onscure enemy, terrorism, which the US presidents could use to blame for all their mistakes
and they would then be justified for all their dirty operations in other countries.