Saturday Emergency Live Broadcast: Protest Erupt Nationwide After MSM Falsely Claims Biden Victory
Saturday Emergency Live Broadcast: Protest Erupt Nationwide After MSM Falsely Claims Biden Victory...
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Stop with all the doom and gloom. You're preaching to the choir, as most of the people who seek you out here, are your ardent followers. Most all of us know the score.
When you preach doom and gloom, well, I am sure that you understand what "predictive programming" is. Better to talk about all the reasons why "they" will ultimately fail. BECAUSE THEY WILL FAIL!! NEVER DOUBT THAT. TRUMP HAS THIS ALL UNDER CONTROL. HE KNOWS THAT HE MUST LET PEOPLE SEE AND EXPERIENCE WHAT IT WOULD BE LIKE UNDER "THEIR" (DEMONIC) CONTROL, FOR A SHORT TIME.
Sorry, but I don't want to watch any further. You may or may not pull out of your depressingly morbid monologue, but I just don't have the heart to wait and find out.

You, so far, don't seem to give Trump any credit. Do you seriously think that he and the Alliance did not plan ahead for this very thing? Trump knows "The Art of War" by Sun Tsu, inside and out. The Alliance has planned everything out meticulously. They have been working on this plan for many years, after having failed at least two times. They are NOT about to fail again. They have contingency plans. And, though many times, it looks like he may be in trouble, he has always pulled the rabbit out of his hat. He has proven "them" wrong every time. It only appears that he has lost because he is allowing the enemy to expose and destroy themselves. What better way to find out who all the traitors are?

I have listened for 14 minutes. I am not one to listen to doom and gloom. It may be a good idea to inform people of exactly what could happen if Biden were elected, but he is NOT. The only people who can declare a Presidential Election, is Congress.