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Satanic/Jewish Ritual Murder against the children of the human race, a 4000 years old Jewish satanic custom, stil used by them today! Countless intreviews with the jewish murderers themselfs

The Father of History
The Father of History - 950 Views
Published on 06 Jan 2022 / In News and Politics

Satanic/Jewish Ritual Murder against the children of the human race, a 4000 years old Jewish satanic custom, stil used by them today! Countless intreviews with the jewish murderers themselfs proves that. Their Talmud says that all non-jews (gentiles/gentlemen/civilised race) has to be exterminated. Because we are to many and the jews to few, they decided to ask us to commit suicide through vaccination. The suicidal retards among us agreed to that, as well as the traitors among us, which for the proverbial "30 pieces of silver" they agressively promovate the talmudic/satanic vaccination even on our kids, and persecute those who refuse it.

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The Father of History
The Father of History 3 years ago  

Satanic/Jewish Ritual Murder against the children of the human race, a 4000 years old Jewish satanic custom, stil used by them today! Countless intreviews with the jewish murderers themselfs proves that. Their Talmud says that all non-jews (gentiles/gentlemen/civilised race) has to be exterminated. Because we are to many and the jews to few, they decided to ask us to commit suicide through vaccination. The suicidal retards among us agreed to that, as well as the traitors among us, which for the proverbial "30 pieces of silver" they agressively promovate the talmudic/satanic vaccination even on our kids, and persecute those who refuse it.

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