Sasquatch Portraits 2020-2021 As the Sasquatch See Themselves.mp4
SASQUATCHS PORTRAITS, as SASQUATCHS see beast, no moonsters, no apes, but FULLY HUMANS, with more HAIR than US, yes HAIR, not furs.....GET to know them my searching with thes key words SASQUATCH ONTARIO

No doubt there are some that aren't as aggressive or malevolent as others, but you portraying them as being so kind & benevolent is quite twisted. They are of the fallen/nephilim. They know very well who we are. Portraying them in such manner is delusional. I know that seems quite rude of me, but honestly the vast majority are not that pleasant & should be avoided at all costs. Routinely stealing farm animals, including horses. Dismembering dogs or impaling them onto tree limbs for guarding & attempting to protect aforementioned animals and you elect to paint them as if they're just oh so sweet and tender? I sincerely hope for your sake, you never learn first-hand how wrong you really are.