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SADB SPb - Utopia Stop A Douche Bag Movement of Russia

JamesRoss - 491 Views
Published on 18 Apr 2022 / In People and Blogs

If you want to make videos of "upper-class" thUgtopian building a Utopia for thUgs... Highly organized Freemasons are behind the NWO world government that began the "Covid-19," WW3, initial world-wide attack upon the "profane..."

Then put stickers on their windshields as they drive on the sidewalks to get ahead of other traffic. These are the people who feel they are beyond the lawz that regulate public decency.

When the Freemasons/Luciferians begin to slaughter the profane with their hivemind, brainchip zombies and bio-robots via the brainchip-interface, then you will need to take back control from the fake, Freemasonic police.


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AK Kulis
AK Kulis 3 years ago

I don't understand your comment in the description, and the title of the video.
Not going to watch it, as I watch LOTS of vids concerning Ukraine & am totally on Russia's side (unless it turns out that it's a joint distraction aimed at all of us). This was LITERALLY STARTED BY THE U.S. Our gov't / cia has been in Ukraine, child sex trafficking, drug running, training & backing the Azov / Nazis for 8 years. The ppl there have been used as target practice, MANY of the abandoned & destroyed villages? Done PREVIOUSLY by the Ukrainian army. The ppl there have been kidnapped & used in bio labs as involuntary test subjects. Putin (along with China) have been asking our country to REMOVE THE BIO WEAPONS LABS FROM THE BORDER FOR MONTHS, IF NOT YEARS. NATO, US, UK, etc have been there ILLEGALLY, as the RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA narrative has been pushed here for 5-6 years (need more $$$$ for the military industrial complex).
Russia CAPTURED AN AMERICAN GENERAL, MANY Brits & others that had NO LEGAL RIGHT to be there! We have given them 1/3 of our military!! equipment, weapons, vehicles, NEW SWITCHBLADE DRONES THAT WE HAVEN'T EVEN USED YET! & The bastard actor/ comedian demands $50 BILLION DOLLARS more OF MY TAX MONEY!!!!!!

You are insane if you think you know - I trust the ppl that LIVE THERE - ex American marine, American Journalist (Ukraine wife + 2 kids), the LOCALS. Stop posting & just seek the videos for a couple days. Who TF is Zelensky to tell us to get ready for nuclear war unless he knows it's coming because he's starting it? Who TF is he to demand all countries of the world arrest their own citizens for SPEAKING AGAINST & opposing Ukraine?
Look into what Putin said at the beginning. He was ASKED by the Russian speaking ppl in Ukraine to go help. He wanted to "De-Nazify:" the place, disable all military & bio weapons labs near his border, get the ppl to be safe again.

This is just a faster way to starve the world, depopulate the Earth, make money for the bastard elites, demonize the ones booting the central banks & returning to the gold standard. You know it.

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JamesRoss 3 years ago

Well, your thoughts ARE being played around with by the Mystery School Cult, Kulis. Putin serves the wwCult, as does Zelensky who pushes the fake Nagasaki/Hiroshima bomb. The Freemason of America faked the Nuclear attack in conspiracy with the Japanese "Authorities" who also faked the Atom-bomb... and japanese who spoke the truth were assassinated on the spot back then. They all shut up out of fear. There is no nuclear threat, it is all a fear tactic scam to make sheeple obey. The soldiers of Russia realize that they are just cannon-fodder of the Freemasonic officers running the slaughter-fest. Just like WW1 and WW2 were slaughter-fests of the wwCult pushing for world wide authority and domination to bring in the A.I. techno-feudalism. Putting stickers on car windows of law-breakers driving into pedestrians is an example of the small people standing up against tyranny by the Cult who are gearing up for tyranny.

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