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Mira Terada with Foundation to Battle Injustice Interview on the Ukraine War

Rudy Davis
Rudy Davis - 1,063 Views
Published on 07 Apr 2022 / In Non-profits and Activism

Mira Terada with Foundation to Battle Injustice Interview on the Ukraine War



1. Good afternoon, dear Rudy! Please tell me and our viewers about how the American media cover the events taking place in Ukraine?

It is often said that the first casualty of war is the truth.

Even before the conflict began, the US government is led by godless, lying, murderous psychopaths who place no value on human life (Russian or American) when it comes to furthering their own agenda. Do not underestimate how evil the American government has become and deception and murder is now at the core of all their actions. I am no expert on Putin but when he refers to America as an EMPIRE OF LIES, he is exactly correct There is a small percentage of Christians in America who are suspicious of all world leaders at this point in mankind’s history. They believe that regardless of the outward appearance of conflict that they are all working behind the scenes with people like Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum to bring about a New World Order. This new world order will do whatever is necessary to manipulate mankind into a social credit system such as exists now in China where dissident behaviors are not allowed. We have seen massive censorship and loss of freedoms in the recent years in America under the guise of Covid-19 and even before Covid-19. They must have a continual crisis to put the American masses in fear to push their world agenda. False flag events are a common tool used by the federal government to force an agenda upon the American people.

The American media has become NOTORIOUS for propaganda. In regards to the Ukraine situation, the mainstream media is promoting the government narrative of either hate the ruthless tyrant Putin and support the independence of Ukraine or stand as a traitor to America. I am no fan of Donald Trump but one of the things he did that resonated with a certain segment of the population was to call out FAKE NEWS. The problem is that most people cannot fathom or understand just how much FAKE NEWS we are being continuously inundated with. The father of American propaganda was a man named Edward Bernays. He laid the foundation that the government not only can but should LIE to the American people when the government deems it necessary for the good of the public interests.

In order to take attention off of the crimes of the US government leadership, the US government constantly needs a boogeyman in order to create a distraction so that the American people cannot focus on fixing its own leadership issues. That boogeyman might be covid-19, overpopulation, Sadam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, fake oil shortages, climate change, creating terrorism, gun ownership in America, promoting racism to cause divisions, promoting LGBTQ+ and gender fluidity to cause confusion and division and now war with Russia is the new boogeyman to cause division.

I would recommend anybody read the book “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” by John Perkins. America has been manipulating countries around the world and their elections and installing their own leaders for decades. The book explains that bribes are first used and if that does not work, then intimidation and assassination and then the final step is military action by setting up a false war.

2. It is obvious that the Western media have united in their information war against Russia. Kiev fakes are broadcast all over the world, Russia is exposed as a real tyrant. Do you think the world community has finally waited for the moment to bring down its Russophobic propaganda?

Again, America is indeed an EMPIRE OF LIES. I encourage your listeners to investigate a CIA project titled “OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD” where the CIA engage undercover agents to influence the media and Hollywood movies for the purpose of promoting government propaganda. There is very little to no real journalism in America. If there are a few brave souls who speak the truth and gain popularity, then they are censored, imprisoned or killed.

I also encourage your listeners to research the phrase “sinclair broadcast same message” which shows that even the local news is scripted across the country. Most people do not realize this and researching true news is becoming more and more difficult because of massive censorship by the big tech companies.

And to answer your question, it has been my experience that after witnessing massive propaganda by the US mainstream news for longer than a decade, that the majority of people both on the left and on the right will continue to be manipulated and influence by American propaganda. If people are not governed by a belief in God, they are inclined to “pick a side” like at a football game and support their team even if their team is lying, deceptive and acting unethically. If you don’t have a relationship with God, people tend to follow the directives of their government and science falsely so-called. Very few people will pursue the truth regardless of what side may benefit. There are many examples but Obama’s forged birth certificate is but one example. The documented proof was released by a prominent American Sherriff named Sherriff Arpaio but the media simply dismissed his evidence and will not discuss the issue. I expect that the same thing will happen to the videos you believe prove the Russian atrocities are fakery. That evidence will simply be dismissed and/or ignored and will not influence the majority of Americans who do not look deeply into matters such as this since they are more consumed with their own lives.

3. What has been happening on the territory of Donbass for the last eight years is a real war crime, the Ukrainian army literally staged a genocide of the Russian-speaking population. Why did the hypocritical Western media remain silent all this time and did not cover what was happening?

The mainstream western media is governed and censored by US government. They are not allowed to report on anything that goes against the corporation of the United States of America. If a story needs to get out to the world community, the best avenues that I have seen are for bloggers to speak the truth in hopes of going viral. Another example is for movie producers to make a documentary like Oliver Stone came out with two movies on the Ukraine titled “Ukraine on Fire” and Revealing Ukraine”. For the small segment of people who do seek truth in the USA, we are incredibly cynical of all news sources both domestically and internationally. It is getting harder and harder to discern truth from deception since there is so much lies and manipulation on the internet.

4. How would you comment on the recent statement by the recognized in Russia extremist organization Meta, about violence against Russian servicemen? How does a company that is considered one of the main censors of the Internet allow itself such statements?

In the early days of the internet, this would be unthinkable that big tech companies like google, facebook, youtube and others would engage in such censorship. New technologies developed by Cisco Systems, a company whom I worked for 20 years, has given facebook and its parent company the ability to censor content without much human intervention. Meera, did you know that your own organization’s website is not allowed on facebook? The propaganda to make criminals out of Putin and anyone enlisted in the Russian army will likely work not only with the liberal left who has pushed the “Russian collusion Donald Trump lie” but also will very likely work with so-called Christian conservatives who have been indoctrinated to believe Russia is a military threat and if Russia partners with China, this could pose a real threat to American hegemony dominance across the world.

If I were to ask you what country has detonated the largest nuclear bomb in world history? Do you know that the Soviet Unions TSAR bomb (aka big Ivan) was well over 1500 times more powerful than both Nagasaki and Hiroshima combined? Even the evil Hollywood has been propagandized to paint Russians as the bad guys. An example would be the movie Rocky IV where Russia is portrayed as the great evil country ran by tyrants and an enemy to Freedom loving Americans.

It has been reported that Putin has declared that oil must be paid for in Roubles and also that he has tied the Rouble to the gold standard. Those are incredibly brave moves because Putin is directly challenging the US petro dollar I highly recommend a book title “The creature from Jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin. This book outlines the hoax of the fiat world monetary system. It is at the heart of how the United States psychopaths get their power because the world has been forced to deal in US dollars. If the US dollar ever comes to an end, then the bankers will likely push a world war rather than give up their money dominance. Another book I would recommend about war is by General Smedley Butler titled “War is a Racket” which puts forth the idea that wars are done for profit. Butler was, at the time of his death, the most decorated Marine in U.S. history.

Just recently we have seen sanctions placed on Putin’s daughters. The United States is being inundated with reports of how Russian soldiers are cutting out the tongues of civilians and raping mothers and daughters together. Facebook is not only allowing these stories but facebook is part of the psychopaths who are promoting such stories to push an agenda to demonize anything Russia.

5. Just the other day, President Joe Biden's job approval rating collapsed to 40%, which was the lowest figure during his leadership. Do you think Americans have realized that because of the actions of the Biden administration, the world is facing a crisis in the coming years?

No, I suspect that Biden’s low approval ratings are because of high gas and high food prices. Unfortunately, the average American does not care about what happens in Russia or Ukraine. They simply will hear what they are told on the mainstream news stations and will not look any further into the matter.

6. How do American conservatives feel about the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine by the Biden administration?

From my perspective, the American conservatives are split. The vast majority of conservatives believe what they are told by mainstream media and follow along to support Ukraine and hate Russia. Even big car dealerships in Dallas, Texas are flying the Ukranian flags as high as the American flag to show public support for Ukraine. I would say that the vast majority of Americans do not believe Biden has escalated the conflict but rather believe that Putin should not have invaded Ukraine and Putin is the aggressor. There is a smaller group that digs deeper into the truth but again we are not the majority.

North Texas auto dealerships now flying Ukrainian flags

7. The recent statement by the leader of the United States about the President of the Russian Federation exacerbates the discussion about the health of 79-year-old democratic President Joe Biden, in particular about the decline in his cognitive functions. What do you think about this?

Many people, including myself, believe that Biden is just a puppet and was specifically chosen because he is so controllable and incompetent. I also do not believe that he legitimately won the election and that there was massive fraud in the counting. Election fraud is a topic that other conservatives, such as Mike Lindell, have capitalized on to become famous and make money selling pillows, books and giving speeches. You can view more about what Mike Lindell says about election fraud at

8. Due to the Western agenda in the media, the attitude towards Russian-speaking residents of Europe and the United States has noticeably worsened. Employees are fired, students are expelled from universities, and children are bullied just because they are Russian. Who do you think benefits from inciting hatred towards Russians?

The bible states that the New World Order will have three parts. A one world religion, (Revelation 13:15) a one world money system (Revelation 13:17) and a one world government (Revelation 13:7). In order to bring about a one world government, the antichrist needs to tear down the existing government. They must keep us divided as a people on the earth so that we do not focus on the real tyrants. Russia versus America, White versus black, Rich versus Poor, Capitalism versus Communism…. I see the act of demonizing Russians as just a continuation of what they have been doing in America for a long time in an effort to divide and conquer us… So to answer your question, the world economic forum and the antichrist benefits from inciting hatred towards Russians.

9. The current US administration allocates billions of dollars for arming and training the Ukrainian army, while there are many problems within its own country that require attention, for example, police or judicial abuse, as well as the situation with penitentiary institutions, which we have repeatedly talked about. Why does the current American establishment put foreign policy interests above the interests of its people?

First let me tell you a story. When my dad was alive, he would watch the TV and get mad and say things like “I don’t like them using my tax dollars to do this or to do that, etc….” I would tell my dad that the US government doesn’t need or use his tax dollars to do anything it is doing. The US government corporation creates money out of thin air to do whatever it wants to do. And this is done with or without collecting money from the American peoples. Again, I refer you to the book “The Creature from Jekyll Island” for more details. That book literally changed the way I view the world and money in general. So Yes, the US will spend billions of dollars arming and training the Ukrainian army because they need to cover up their own illegal actions in that country. How many US politicians have business dealings in Ukraine like Hunter Biden? There are reports that I have not been able to confirm that many US politicians have business dealings in Ukraine. So they will have a tendency to protect their interests.

In regards to “Why does the current American establishment put foreign policy interests above the interests of its people?”, my answer is that the US government is working AGAINST the American people in order to bring about a New World Order. We see this happening on many different fronts such as destroying out freedoms under the excuse of covid, trying to outlaw gun ownership, destroying the economy by spending trillions of dollars we do not have, destroying the education system by teaching socialistic ideas and promoting LGBTQ+ nonsense. America is a rotten tree that is waiting for a strong gust of wind to blow it over. Yes, we have an impressive military power but we are bankrupt morally. Without a moral fabric and a strong belief in God of the Holy Bible, the people are doomed to destruction.

10. What do you think is the real interest of the Biden administration in financing the Ukrainian army? Are they trying their best to hide and protect what is actually happening in American biochemical laboratories?

American leadership needs a boogeyman to unite the masses to keep us distracted from putting our focus on their atrocities and human rights violations. Russia has now been designated the boogeyman. I do not doubt that America has funded and run biochemical labs in the Ukraine but I suspect one of the following two situations.

1) Putin is posing a real threat to American hegemony by moving to the gold standard and demanding oil payments in roubles. The bankers that run the American corporation and much of the world can not tolerate an honest money system which is a direct threat to all their power over most of humanity. So America will do whatever it can to destroy Putin and put in their own leadership of Russia similar to what America does all over the world.

- Or -

2) Putin is an actor and playing his part to threaten the world with war and Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum will use this threat of war or possibly even real war to bring about a New World Order (economic, financial and religious).

11. Why does the American Democratic Party continue to deny the existence of Ukrainian laboratories? It is documented that the son of the current US president, Hunter Biden, invested about 500 thousand dollars through a fund controlled by him for the construction of a number of laboratories.

You should not underestimate the American leaderships capability to lie, ignore and purposely twist facts for their own benefit. Just because something has proven to be true does not mean that most people in America will be convinced to believe it. The American people have been lied to so much by their own leadership both democratic and republican that unfortunately it has become common. For those few who risks their jobs, livelihoods and even death to put out the truth, they will face a mountain of big tech censorship and slander by the established media and law enforcement agencies. I refer you to the book “Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces by Radley Balko”. The FBI work with law enforcement to target anyone who goes against the published narrative. At the very least, the targeted individual will lose his job. At the worst, he will be assassinated for speaking the truth.

12. There are photos confirming the connection of American Democratic officials with neo-Nazi organizations and groups in Ukraine. Why did the United States, which fought against Nazi Germany during World War II, suddenly decide to support the Ukrainian Nazis?

I refer you to the book “Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America by Annie Jacobsen” This book proves that Americans will work with anyone as long as if furthers their objectives and interests. Do not underestimate how ruthless, evil and deceptive the leadership of America can be.

13. The US State Department, under Biden's leadership, unfairly accused the servicemen of the Russian Federation of committing war crimes on the territory of Ukraine, but when it comes to crimes committed by Americans in the Middle East, no one talks about responsibility. Do you think it's time to make the Biden administration answer for the hundreds of thousands of civilians who were victims of the bombing?

Well, yes, I do agree with that but I would state that it is time to hold the entire American leadership accountable, not just the biden administration. I refer you to bible verse in the King James Bible. Revelation 6:10 KJV

Revelation 6:10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

I believe that American leadership has become the whore of Bablyon referred to in the book of Revelations. Other than a miracle of God to install new leadership or a world war, there are no easy answers to fix the injustices that are ongoing in America and put the rabid dog back on the leash. There are con artists in America that are working with the CIA to put forward lies that there are groups working “behind the scenes” to bring about justice for the evildoers but these are simply people trying to make money and sooth people with “hopium” stories. The truth is that Christians need to draw closer to God because we could indeed be entering the tribulation discussed in the book of Revelation.

Revelation 6:7-8 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. 8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

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As an example, I find it difficult sometimes to get transcripts of Putin’s speeches.

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Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces by Radley Balko

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Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America by Annie Jacobsen

Revelation 6:10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

Revelation 6:7-8 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. 8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

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