Rosy Informs us that Anthony Williams has been thrown into the hole.
Rosy Informs us that Anthony Williams has been thrown into the hole.

Anthony Troy Williams claims to be a "private attorney general (which, unknown to William is a temporary, courtroom nickname for an ordinary client of a real attorney in a federal civil rights case). Williams also claims to be a "sovereign peace officer" (something which does not exist). Williams actually wears and service revolver, carries a fake badge, a fake ID and wears a fake lanyard around his neck fraudulently indicating that he is a sovereign peace officer (effectively a law enforcement "costume"). In reality, Williams is a violent career criminal and multi-convicted felon who has lost 90 plus cases in a row and who will spend the rest of his life behind bars for charging customers thousands of dollars each for a FAKE foreclosure rescue scheme which did not actually work and for hiding the stolen money in his mother's name in Texas. FOR EVERYTHING ON ANTHONY WILLIAMS, CLICK HERE. IT MAY REQUIRE TWO OR MORE ATTEMPTS.