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ROCKIN’ the SYNOD: A Catholic Response (CIC 2018)

BlackTalon - 744 Views
Published on 18 Oct 2018 / In News and Politics

What the heck is going on at the Synod of Young People over in Rome right now!

Down in the Remnant Underground, Michael Matt takes a look at some interesting video images of the 2018 Synod on Young People, and uses this as a springboard to discuss the traditional Catholic attitude toward those priests and bishops who know something is going terribly wrong inside the Vatican and who are speaking out, but who are not traditionalists, who don’t fully understand the problems with Vatican II and still offer the New Mass. What do you think? Are prelates such as Vigano, Burke, Morlino, Chaput, Sarah and Schneider part of the problem, or a long-awaited first step in the right direction? Michael discusses this, the continuing auto-demolition of the Francis pontificate and the Catholic response, i.e., The Catholic Identity Conference 2018 to be held near Pittsburgh November 2, 3 & 4, 2018. For more information on these topics be sure to visit

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