Rick Simpson Campaign - Update
Dear friends,
Here's a short new update from Rick.
We want to thank everyone for their continued support during Rick's ongoing recovery. Your generosity continues to move us and means a great deal in our ongoing struggles. Especially those of you who have been supporting and following Rick's work and journey these many years.
As Rick mentions in the video, all of you who are on a journey of regaining your health, and are considering RSO as your medicine, please be careful when dealing with anyone representing themselves as Rick Simpson or as someone working with Rick, because we continue to receive reports from people getting scammed from individuals who falsely represent themselves or use Rick's name.
You can continue supporting Rick Simpson by buying one of his books or by making a donation!
Buy one of Rick’s books at:
Make a donation in support of Rick Simpson at:
A wholehearted thank you!
Rick and Danijela Simpson
#ricksimpson #ricksimpsonoil #rso #rsooil #cannabis #cannabiscommunity #ricksimpsoncampaign #cannabismedicine #cannabisoil #420 #simpsonramadur
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27PX0ayRO7I
Rick Simpson Campaign - Update