Riccardo Bosi, leader of Australia One, gives a warning to Australians..mp4
Riccardo Bosi, leader of Australia One, gives a warning to Australians.
Looks like things are about to get very intense. “ Be brave, be calm, be good. We will win this war’”

Look guys this is a tough time but we need your strength, not waiting for God to come pull us out...Of course when God decides to intervene we will rejoice but until then WE NEED EVERYONE OF YOU OF THE RIGHT SIDE OF THIS, WHO LOVE LIFE AND LOVE THEMSELVES AND THEY LOVE THE SANCTITY OF LIFE to keep a solid head and continue to fight in the name of God...I dont recal anywhere in the Bible where it said "give up and wait for me?" so lets go, get up and continue the battle of good and evil until evil is stamped out!
Thx and be blessed in the Love, Liberty and Light of us all...YOU ARE OF GOD SO NOW SHOW THE STRENGTH GOD INSTILLED IN YOU!

Would be good if this was a real alternative party; but how are they going to overcome the NAZI's? I have made my peace with God and Jesus Christ, I do not expect to be alive in a years time, no I haven't taken the shot, but many people I love have.

More deception..... Politics is not the answer.
Pauline Hansons, clive Palmers, craig kellys..... they wont save me , just like its time to kiss babys again theirs an election coming next year, then when THEY get in they do NOTHING but get paid off by hook noses that travel land and see to make on convert...all this ill give you if you bow and WORSHIP satan...
I hope i dont have to wait the WHOLE of the 1335th day, Lord Jesus have MERCY.