Rhodesian War Stories: In The Name Of Freedom. 5RR Tells of the Savage Torture and Murder of a Policeman
In Rhodesia, the Communists Terrorists said they were fighting "in the name of freedom." We can see that is a blatant lie. In this video, Five Romeo Romeo tells of an experience he had during the Rhodesian Bush War where a police officer had been murdered and toruted when the Marxists came through the villiage.
Highlights from the comments section:
"I want to apologize for Sweden’s role in Rhodesia and South Africa. My country’s leaders were and are naive fools with little understanding and experience of the world, most of which is very different to Scandinavia in attitude and behavior. Thank you for your stories!"
"You cannot help having feelings of great sadness at stories of this nature. The poor man was made to suffer by a gang of thugs and murderers. These stories are important to hear although it is unpleasant. The world turned its back on Rhodesia, such a travesty."
"5RR sir, thank you so much for these stories. So heartfelt and compelling, and what a tragedy this story is. Anyone who believes communism is a struggle for freedom should pay close attention to this account for as you say acts such as these are carried out many times over in the history of such terrorist acts that are masked behind the false flag of liberation."
"It's really good to see you sharing these stories, they aren't lost as someone passes, they are saved. It's sad to think how many other stories have been lost."
"I've seen similar things when I was in the South African Police some 30 years ago. The brutality and terror is indescribable. That's why we called them terrorists, but now they are in parliament."
"That is nothing short of subhuman behaviour. Acts committed in that manner can never be justified, in the name of anything. I can understand how you still feel today about those events, it is something you would remember for the rest of your life. As always, very interesting."
We Can't Restore Western Civilization With non-Western Babies
We Have a Patriotic Duty to Stop Genocide Against our People
We Must Secure the Existence of our People and a Future for White Children
Because the Beauty of the White Aryan Woman Must Not Perish From the Earth
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Diversity is a Code Word for White Genocide
Anti-Racist is a Code Word for Anti-White
Make Zimbabwe Rhodesia Again
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Oppose Those Who Would Defame Our History and Rich Cultural Heritage. Stop Eurocide. Fight back against Europhobia and Anglophobia.
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Multiculturalism is the Replacement of European peoples
Rhodesian War Stories, In The Name Of Freedom ~ Five Romeo Romeo ~ GHkPppgULfY 720p

Right now, the same thing is happening across Western Civilization

The corrupt propaganda press in the west never told stories like this. They were always against Rhodesia, by which you can infer that Rhodesia was right

They will do to us what they did to Rhodesia.

We must never forget the brutality of the Communist Terrorists, as it will be our fate if we do not unite.

I'm glad these stories are being preserved, and the narrative of the Communist Zimbabwe regime are challenged.