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Repilling Normies Part 2!

Nutnfancy - 104,341 Ansichten
104,341 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 06 Apr 2021 / Im Nachrichten & Politik

Part 2!

This video is intended to wake up, to some degree, normies. This is the huge group of people who really don't pay attention to politics and probably voted for Biden thinking they were doing the right thing. I only choose 5 things to talk about in this special UGETube only 2 part TNP series and we'll get real!

Viewer links to support these points:

Best discussion of how the Left fuels racial hate...all for political power. I highly rec' you watch the video from start to finish and you'll have ammo in your discussions on the subject with normies.
Results of Biden immigration policy: 2013 Smith-Mundt Act, propaganda now allowed in the U.S. against U.S. Citizens
2012 Democrat pollster Pat Caddell says the media have become an enemy of the American people
Dems think black people are too dumb to get ID cards:

Update 30 March by Nutnfancy Actual: Please note: We are in a cultural war. Lefty commenters who call you out and try to gaslight you are "combatants." Some are coming to this video. If you are a true Constitutional Conservative, don't be afraid to comment accordingly, rail, don't hold back. They de-humanize us, calling us "conspiracy far right," "radicals," and "QAnon" "nazis," just like I address in these videos. Some commenters are "ConservaLeftists" and "FalseFlagNormies" (Leftists who say they aren't), they support the acidic cultural decay and attacks on your freedom we see today. They try to gaslight you/me with the passive aggressive statements like "Nutn, you've changed, I used to like you, but now I can't watch..." attack. They will not accept my refusal to accept Culural Marxism as they do. The ideas presented here are consistent throughout TNP since 2008; it's just these brainwashed people have no rudder in life, no way to discern our current, dangerous reality. This "you've changed" criticism is designed to shut me up, support the current Marxism in this country, and not make any more videos like this. Some are even tactical gun owners! You'll see me below destroying them in comment and I recommend you do the same. Stand up for our Constitution, for goodness and, this God based nation we've inherited, be warriors for Good!

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c0nditi0n_0 2 Jahre vor

Democrats use the people of color to get their way. The democrats also hate blacks. Look at the push for abortion.

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Cult Leader
Cult Leader 2 Jahre vor

"If you don't know whether you're for me or Trump... THEN YOU AIN'T BLACK!"
- some white Democrat

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robertdare_2002 3 Jahre vor

The left uses linguistic magic to change definitions. Essentially a woman working outside the home is behaving like a man. Where a house wife is a woman. I think this is how the left sees it. You see, liberation from the family is their value. To devalue the house wife. To promote her outside the house and to work . As if house work is slavery. The left sees house wifery as slavery. A housewife is a woman . A woman not behaving womanly is acting manly. A man acting Effeminate is behaving like a woman.
I think the word gender means a spirit in accordance with sex.. A house wife for a woman. A provider for the man. Essentially sex roles or sexual complimentarianism . Two sides of the same coin. As compliments. The left sees men and women as competitors.

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chibicascade 3 Jahre vor

i like how you point out needing to be sensitive to truly transgender people while pointing out how transgender suicide rates are high. people being allowed to figure out if they don't fit is how you be sensitive to it. I know plenty of good religious people who try to support the traditional family turn evil when their family isn't traditional.

My best friend was beaten by his dad who was supposedly a righteous Mormon Bishop. He had three of his six kids come out as some form of LGBT, and doesn't speak to any of them. One of them ran away because they feared for their life. if that's the conservative idea of saving the family, I don't want that.

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pipermccoy999 3 Jahre vor

black or white all or nothing ? Good Grief you must be a Total brainwashed Leftist with your comment. NO ONE would think that is the definition of family, and you blame religion and conservatism ? WOW you are too far gone honey

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robertdare_2002 3 Jahre vor

LGBT is not a Right Wing value . That's a Left Wing value. LGBT goes against the Natural Order, Family and nature itself. Therefore anybody from the LGBT cant be Right . They must first abandon the LGBT community altogether. At least as a first step.

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pipermccoy999 3 Jahre vor

The LGBTQ is an AGENDA a communist Agenda, pushed by the know who's. The more conservative gays would never push an agenda or march in their parade or be the mafia like the Leftist Mob and the know who's. Just like they did in Russia and Berlin

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Summersun303 3 Jahre vor


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