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Removing Statues And Bells Is Just More NWO Takeover

JamesRoss - 668 Views
Published on 16 Jan 2024 / In Spiritual

The removal of religious bells is the systematic, psychological herding of the sheeple away from belief in the Creator-God and symbols and sounds that keep the religions together and strong. The NWO-takeover need to break apart the old world system, first. WW2 with the Nazis was just the 2nd phase of removing sheeple from their old religious values. Bells and statues reminded and maintained those values in everyone's eyes and ears.

In the shadows... Behind the Mystery School cUlt of secret-society-sheepdogs (barking at the sheeple)... there are the masterminding sheepherders, Homo capensis: exposed by Karen Hudes and Brien Foerster... (everyone else got culled quickly, but not them):

The cUlt minions all work together to hide the ancient devils from the sheeple, because the devils have worked out "a deal" with the human traitors to hivemind them into servitude.. Traitors become brainchipped into "human2.0" with technology while the sheeple get genocided by thUgs.

The removal of bells and statues was to confuse, demoralize, then to divide and conquer the sheeple to even fight each other rather than uniting into an effective resistance against the Luciferians and devils-in-the-shadows.

The old fortresses and churches were built by Homo capensis technology and ingenuity... not by Homo sapiens... think about it, ancient structures were highly engineered like the Hagia Sophia
To build this just using manual labour needs a mastermind-engineers: a Homo capensis. The Vatican was designed by Homo capensis who used to wear the mitre (Pope hats) to hide their elongated skulls.

Now, the ancient monsters are in human-genocide mode... first, they want the sheeple culled... and then the sheepdogs will all be culled(or suicide by fake mind-uploads). To twist our Homo sapien genetics into something similar to Homo capensis is just another failing of mankind's blueprint. The Creator-God does not need another failed probable-world of monsters and will pull the plug on the energy and effort being input to develop worthy souls.

Homo capensis is the failed-mankind, they are collectively the devil. They plan to use their technology to simulate the rising of demons which the old religious bells were imagined to keep away. This genocide plan we are now witnessing was well established, and known by the Freemasons running things for the devils, by the 2nd World War.


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