Relaunch in HD: Recreating and testing the Pedersen cartridge waxing process
Now relaunched in HD! I shall shortly be re-launching as many of the more interesting early videos in HD as I can. I can't do them all though...
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Bloke, for reasons unknown to Science, decides he wants to replicate John Pedersen's waxing process which was used to apply an invisible layer of hard lubricant to cartridges to get his toggle-delayed blowback rifle to run.
Not being the lucky owner of a Pedersen, he decides to lube some Norinco .308 Winchester that used to not run for toffee in his Spaghetti M1.
This video shows how he got on in the "lab" (otherwise known as the "spare room") and on the range.
Link to TFB TV's Pedersen vid:
Link to Forgotten Weapons' vid:
The Hoff is briefly hassled under Fair Use.