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Refined oil can cause CANCER !!! रेफ़ायंड आइल में कौन कौन से chemicals होते है !!

Conscious Mind's
Conscious Mind's - 696 Views
Published on 15 Sep 2021 / In

Refined oil also called spoiled oil is extracted from seeds and they are processed and are chemically treated. The oil goes through various processes of heating, cleaning, and bleaching to remove the color, odor, and bitterness of oil.

The refined oil is heated at a very high temperature which causes healthy fats in the oil to break down into trans fat and an alkaline substance is mixed such as sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate with it which helps in neutralizing the taste and odor of oil. Various preservatives and antifoaming agents are added to the oil to increase the shelf life of the oil.

#farmingengineer #kishanell #tastykhana

Refined oil can cause long-term serious health issues like joint pain, heart block, an increase of bad cholesterol, etc

This Tasteless, odorless, colorless oil is obtained by heating, cleaning, and bleaching. In the process of refining nutrient value from the oil is lost and the end product is just chemical. So basically we consume chemicals.

You can Contact Onkar amble for cold processed oil
Mobile no :- 9421404000

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