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Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse

JamesRoss - 197 Views
Published on 04 Jul 2024 / In People and Blogs

The days of getting rich playing good music that you can is fading away fast now. You will need to be very creative.

Alan Watt was an artist that wrote music for other artists to claim as their own.
He claimed that "rap" was designed to become the colored-music by the Mystery School cUlt. It was not evolved by interest as much as it was injected into the minds of particular groups of artist and pushed to become the norm for those groups.
He said it was supposed to destroy musical tastes.

But here, Beato does a nice expansion as to why music isn't what it used to be for the youths.

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Bear Cub
Bear Cub 6 months ago

Here is some great music for Independence Day

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