Rayrzy - Star Wars Imperial March | Darth Vader's Theme | Remix | 432hz [hd 720p]
Original Description:
"No. I am your father.
Follow me on IG! @reyrzy
My SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/reyrzy
Contact/Inquiries: reyrzymusic@gmail.com
*December 2015 Update*: WTF. So... It's been 4 years and some change since I made this beat in high school and now... I see that I have a million views... BRUH. This is really humbling and I just wanted to say to all the fans of this song that I really appreciate all the love that you've given this beat over the years! Unfortunately, I stopped making beats a long time ago because of college and stuff, but now... I'm inspired to get back to making music because of all the love from y'all. If you're not subscribed to me please subscribe and be on the lookout for more material from me; hopefully I don't disappoint! Oh, and to all the people that ask if they can use this song with their own stuff, of course you can, all you gotta do is credit me wherever you use it; some people already have used it without crediting me but it's cool because that's my fault for falling off the face of the Earth, lmao.
DOWNLOAD 440hz AUDIO FROM GOOGLE DRIVE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T4mMRCY2qJCavFBvh1c6evydFlixRCzR/view
Please feel free to use this beat in your creations, just want a credit for the track! Links to my channel and other socials would be much appreciated as well :) "
Hashtags: #imperial #march #starwars #vader #remix
Metatags Space Separated: imperial march starwars vader remix
Metatags Comma Separated: imperial, march, starwars, vader, remix
Original On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DGeLt6XXqs
Mirrored On BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/n3qkbkWWvq4l/
Mirrored On Minds: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1281794048872419343?referrer=psecdocumentary
Mirrored On LBRY / Odysee: https://odysee.com/Rayrzy---Star-Wars-Imperial-March---Darth-Vader%27s-Theme----Remix---432hz--hd-720p-:7c8386b53f59b1e9efccc0bda78906befaf1b764?r=5RyaeEHTet1rFyMoniKNakzu33XJzzcL
Mirrored On Rumble: https://rumble.com/vm6gl4-rayrzy-star-wars-imperial-march-darth-vaders-theme-remix-432hz-hd-720p.html
Mirrored On NewTube / NodeTube: https://newtube.app/user/psecmedia/8F67DmB
Mirrored On Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/7a86817b-fcd8-4a4d-a503-a54d4cc0d864
Mirrored On UGEtube: https://ugetube.com/watch/3xiM2IfFqLhkAiQ
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Mirrored On TLB Talk: https://www.tlbtalk.com/videos/view/362/rayrzy-star-wars-imperial-march-darth-vader-s-theme-remix-432hz-hd-720
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