Ray Dalio Explains Why America is Entering A Horrific Financial Crisis
As of January 8th, 2024, the national debt in the United States has surged past an alarming 34 trillion dollars. For many, that huge number might seem distant, almost inconceivable without context. However, digging into this seemingly enormous figure unravels a profound and upcoming danger. This massive number not only signifies a financial burden but also casts a shadow over the destiny of our nation and the legacies of generations to come. In today's video, we explore the alarming observations of Ray Dalio, a seasoned financial expert who, for over three years, has been sounding the alarm on the critical dangers lurking within the corridors of government.
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That 34 trillion is just Debt-Dollars which is fake money or fabricated money.
How did Iceland deal with the fake money, debt-dollar situation: https://ugetube.com/watch/the-....secret-of-banking-fr