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"We Have Undercover Footage" - The Media DON'T Want This Out!

Eagle - 1,669 Views
Published on 21 Jan 2021 / In Film and Animation

Banned Dr. Buttar Shares Undercover Footage Story and Secrets the media don't want out.

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🎶 Music:
Audiojungle and Motion Array
Royalty-Free Music - Intense Trailer & Documentary Thriller by AShamaluevMusic -

🎤 Speakers:
Dr. Rashid Buttar

🎬 All Illustration footage is licensed via Storyblocks 🎬

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⚠️Video Was Uploaded with Permission from owners ⚠️

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5 Comments sort Sort by

Puppykisser 4 years ago

Honestly, the worst thing here is a group... a organization.
A organized agenda geared towards making you feel inferior. Sensibility and common sense Is being taught it doesn’t exist! Education doesn’t even play a role to anyone other than a handful of so-called experts . These are the same bastards for benefits that swore smoking had no negative impact on your health. Where still today a product that is known poison still sells only because of the money it pulls in for a corrupt government. We are a society of lab rats where these psychopaths are concerned. Pumping this poison into newborns on the first day of life is a assault! It is a attack on humanity, at least it is in my opinion... and when it comes to my health, sanity and wellness my opinion is the only one that counts. The proof is in the pudding. The same bastards that slip you the disease will sell you cure, or the hope for one. Maybe fifty years ago we were to gullible or naive believing the bullshit. Those days should be long gone. Our children are sick and dying... they are in pain and crying and the sick bastards want you to shut up and take another dose. God has given us everything we need to live and flourish on this planet. It was only when evil was introduced, this needle filled of promise and poison. God gave us life but we have free will. If it smells bad don’t eat it. I don’t need someone to Tell me if something is good or bad! I have eyes and the good sense God gave me... I don’t need some arrogant douche saving the so-called day... putting on a staged clown show showing Barry being vaccinated yet the cap is still on the needle with a empty syringe. And look if that president or doctor or plumber wants a vaccine... who cares that is their choice..MY BODY MY CHOICE! Isn’t that what they drive home. A vaccine show is only produced to manipulate!

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Tina C
Tina C 4 years ago

Covid has a 99% recovery rate. The test for covid has a 97% fail rate. Wake up. CDC changed all their numbers. AFTER yhe fact. Go live

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hairball 4 years ago

there is no facts on any of this.

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hairball 4 years ago

this is a dis information campaign

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"King Osirus "Chief Sitting Bull"

Great Observation and Reporting.

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