"We'll 'Knockout Everyone's (Deep State's) Teeth"
The West almost destroyed Russia when the Tsar's refused to join the NWO. The Deep State thought Russia was dead in poverty in the 90's and tried to overthrow the government in the 2000's when Putin was leading Russia. The Deep State (NWO) has failed. "President Vladimir Putin has issued a fiery rebuke to those who, he says, are intent on bringing about the breakup of the world’s largest country, insisting that Russia will defend itself from potential interference from overseas... the Russian leader claimed that “everyone wants to bite us somewhere, or to bite something off of us.” If or when this happens, he said the country will “knock out the teeth” of those who try. He said that Russia’s size and its natural resources meant that rivals would always find reasons to attempt to clip its wings as it grew stronger. However, Putin noted that he doesn’t intend to ‘militarize the state budget,’ as Russia is set to spend an equivalent of just $42 billion on defense, compared to the Pentagon’s budget-topping $700 billion.
“As one of our emperors (Tsars) said, ‘Our enormity terrifies everybody,’” Putin added. The full quote, attributed to Tsar Alexander III, claims this is the reason that “Russia has no friends.”
The president went on to criticize those who claim that the country’s natural resources – much of them in lumber, minerals and energy reserves in the vast expanses of Siberia – should not belong to one country alone. “It’s strange to hear these things, especially in public, but they sometimes come up,” he said.
Russian officials have repeatedly attributed a quote to former US secretary of state Madeleine Albright, in which she purportedly claimed that “the colossal natural resources of Siberia should not belong to Russia alone.” However, there is no clear evidence that Albright said this, and she herself has denied that these were her words. However, the idea that Russia could disintegrate or be broken up has been a longstanding concern within the country, with some Western analysts (Deep State) arguing in favor of the idea." - RT

Pres Putin is a leader.And America,we got a mush brain that trips going up steps and needs permission from his wife to talk.